Interview Questions for Volunteers

Throughout the interview, consider how well the volunteer fits with the position. Consider how the volunteer listens and responds to the questions. Choose one or more appropriate questions from the following areas:

Basic Introductory Questions:

  • How did you find out about the program (insert Extension program name)?
  • What prior experience do you have that would help this Extension program?
  • What got you interested in volunteering for this Extension program?
  • What do you know about Extension or this Extension program?

Leadership skills:

  • What skills and qualifications do you have?
  • How do you promote teamwork?
  • What leadership roles have you had in other organizations?
  • How will you involve others in this program?

Human Relations Skills:

  • How do you handle conflict? (i.e. How would you work with an upset individual?)
  • How do you handle criticism?
  • How would you deal with a difficult situation (i.e. disruptive participant, someone not following expectations)
  • Describe a previous volunteer experience.

Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Describe experiences you have had working with people of different backgrounds and abilities.
  • How would you create an open and welcoming environment for all program participants?

Organizational Skills:

  • What are some techniques that you use to keep yourself organized?
  • Tell me about your time management skills. How do you keep track of important dates and timelines?
  • When working with a group, what role do you usually play?
  • Do you have experience with planning and conducting meetings?


  • How do you deal with situations that don't go as you planned?
  • Tell us about a time that you had to think on your feet. What did you learn from that situation?


  • Describe one project for which you had responsibility from beginning to end.
  • How do you balance your time between volunteer duties and other commitments?
  • Tell me about a time when you filled in to help out.

Communication Skills:

  • What public speaking or writing experiences do you have?
  • What methods do you use to communicate with others?
  • Do you communicate differently with different audiences? Explain how and/or why?
  • Do you have any experience with social media.

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