Llama and Alpaca
The 4-H Llama Project (Llama & Alpacas) provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information about properly caring for their animal. An important objective of this project is for the 4-H member to experience the pride of owning / leasing a lLlama or alpaca, gaining it's trust and being responsible for its care. The 4-H project books are organized into the following five subjects:
- Know Your Llama: History, Background, and Characteristics;
- Anatomy: Structure / Conformation, Fiber, and Parts;
- Health, Maintenance and Facilities;
- Training and Showing;
- Use, Marketing, and Careers.
Youth also have the opportunity to develop responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communication skills through active participation in the 4-H Llama Project. In addition to owning / leasing a lLlama or alpaca, 4-H members can also participate in the Llama Poster project and the Llama Craft projects.
College Majors
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Education
- Animal Sciences
- Farm Management
- Food Science
- Preveterinary Medicine
- Sustainable Food and Farming Systems
- Veterinary Technician or Technologist
- Agriculture