1. Each 4-H member will own his/her own exhibit. Ownership must be in effect by May 15 and remain in effect continuously until after the 4-H show at the county and/or state fair. 4-H animals purchased, sold, or offered for sale after the enrollment deadline and prior to the Indiana State fair will not be eligible for showing at the state fair. 4-H animals exhibited after the animal enrollments deadline (May 15) at any show by anyone other than the person who owns the exhibit will not be eligible to be shown in the 4-H show at the Indiana State Fair. This term/condition does not apply to the 4-H member’s siblings and parents, who may show each other’s’ animals at any show during the year without jeopardizing state fair eligibility.
2. Sheep must be enrolled online by May 15.
3. County ID/Weigh-in will occur in the spring at the fairgrounds, prior to May 15th or earlier deadline set by the county.
4. All market lambs and commercial ewes must be weighed and must have a five digit county tag.
5. All market lambs and ewes (including registered ewes). Must be retinal scanned under the supervision of the county sheep committee. The registered ewes must be identified by the ear tag and corresponds to the tag number listed on the registration paper. If your animal does not have any a registration paper, it will be shown with the commercial breeding sheep.
6. An exhibitor may show a maximum of four (4) market lambs. Market classes will be divided by weight and breed. Commercial classes will be divided by weight. Registered classes will be divided by age and breed. They may enroll up to the state fair limit.
7. All 4-Hers must turn in a completed Livestock Records by 11:00 am on check-in day.
8. All market lambs should be shown clean and all breeding stock washed or shown clean according to their breed specifications.
9. Animals painted or colored by any means that alters or misrepresents breed character will be immediately disqualified. Other tampering, altering and/or misrepresentation are prohibited. The application of fly spray, wool set or fungicide is allowed. However, it is recommended that the exhibitor notify the superintendent before applying anything to an animal.
10. The direct application of ice, ice water, alcohol, Freon or any other refrigerant to the hide of a lamb is strictly prohibited. The animal and exhibitor will be disqualified.
11. All lambs must be fitted in the sheep barn or other area designated by the sheep superintendent.
12. Any injections or medication given to a lamb must be cleared with the sheep superintendent.
13. During the fair, only shavings may be used. No Straw.
14. 4-Hers are responsible for keeping their pens and aisle areas clean at all times.
Class division will be determined based on the breeds and crossbreds entered. Classes may/will include:
Pair of Market Lambs (Two ewes or wethers shown by same 4-Her, or siblings, in prior market class. Does not need to be the same breed)
1. All market lambs must be under 1 year of age on show day and still have their lamb’s teeth intact. The first 3 to 5 winners in each class may be mouthed to check for lamb’s teeth. Those sheep whose lamb’s teeth are not still intact will be disqualified.
2. 4-Hers may show 4 market lambs at Jay County Fair.
3. Any lamb showing evidence of testicular tissue is ineligible.
4. All market lambs must be shorn clean within (5) days of the Jay County 4-H Fair.
5. All market lambs will be shown by breed as well as weight.
6. A committee of 3-4 will determine if a questionable lamb meets breed character. This committee will consist of the Sheep superintendent/s and 2-3 other individuals.
1. All breeding sheep must have registration papers with a registration number that corresponds to the sheep’s ear tag and be registered in the exhibitor’s name. If the animal does not have a registration paper, it will be shown with commercial breeding sheep.
2. A 4-Her may show a maximum of four (4) head per exhibitor.
3. Crossbred or commercial breeding stock must be shorn within five (5) days of the jay County 4-H Fair.
4. Registered sheep should be shorn, trimmed or blocked according to breed association rules.
**Grade is determined by the grade that the exhibitor was in as of January 1 of the current year.
*Showmanship order will be Senior, Advanced, Intermediate, Junior, and Beginner.
Beginner showmanship includes exhibitors, who have never shown sheep until this year (in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade).
Junior showmanship includes exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5 th grade who have shown sheep before. Once a 4-Her has won Junior showmanship, they must compete in Intermediate showmanship the next year that they show.
Intermediate showmanship includes exhibitors in the 6th , 7 th or 8th grade. Once a 4-Her has won Intermediate showmanship, they must compete in Senior the next year they show.
Senior showmanship includes exhibitors in grades 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade. The winner of senior showmanship will immediately be eligible to participate in Advanced showmanship.
Advanced showmanship includes exhibitors who have won senior showman