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Horse & Pony

Horse & Pony

The following link is to print the Horse & Pony Record Sheets. Horse & Pony Record Sheets

The following link is to print the  Animal Lease Agreement.  Animal Lease Agreement

The Horse & Pony Vaccination Form can be found here.   Horse Vaccination Form



  1. All Horse and Pony members (walking and non-walking) must obtain the Indiana 4-H Horse & Pony Handbook. It is strongly re-commended that 4-H members and parents read the handbook.
  2. Enrollment – Horse & Pony enrollment on 4honline system and lease forms must be completed and in the Extension office by May 15. There will be NO substitutions after May 15. TWO color photo (4” x 6”) must be included for every horse/pony enrolled in Jay County 4-H Horse & Pony Project.  All four feet and the face must be clearly visible in the photo.  Measurement will be done prior to enrollment deadline, for those planning to attend State Fair, or any questionable height upon inspection at the fair.
  3. Each 4-Her is to have their own horse. Siblings may sign up same horse but the 2st 4-Her to show that horse is the only 4-Her that can show that horse.  Example:  two sisters sign up same horse.  1st sister shows the horse in halter.  2nd sister cannot show the horse during the fair. 
  4. A horse cannot be shown in a class more than once.
  5. Record sheets are to be started by May 1. They are to be turned in to the 4-H Horse & Pony barn Superintendent when the animal is checked in at the 4-H Fair.
  6. All State Safety rules will be strictly enforced. (Boots, long pants, helmets – see Indiana 4-H Horse & Pony handbook).
  7. No advertisement is to be worn during the show.
  8. Pen assignments are final and assigned by the building superintendent. 4-Hers are not to change unless cleared with the Horse and Pony superintendent. 
  9. Horse & Pony superintendent is in charge during the fair. Disrespect by a 4-Her/parent will not be tolerated and can result in dismissal from the fair.  4-Her/parents are to follow the chain of command. 
  10. Dress code is per Horse & Pony Superintendent.
  11. All members are expected to help stall set up and take down. It is mandatory.  If you do not help 4-Her maybe exhibition only and not eligible for high point awards. 

Horse & Pony Poster

  1. Posters will be turned in, judged and displayed in the Exhibit Hall like a non-walking project.
  2. Any 4-H member may be enrolled in this project.
  3. The purpose of exhibiting a poster is to demonstrate knowledge gained through the 4-H Horse & Pony Project. One poster will be sent to the State Fair from each level. 
  4. The 4-H Horse & Pony poster exhibits must meet the following standards:
    1. Size: 22”x28” displayed horizontally with stiff backing and covered with plastic, accompanied by label in the lower right hand corner.
    2. These divisions are: Level 1: grades 3-5, Level 2: grades 6-8, and Level 3: grades 9-12.


  1. Each 4-H member is allowed three horse entries to be checked in as part of his/her 4-H horse project, although more horses may have been enrolled in May, only three may be checked in for fair week.
  2. The number of animals per member at the fair will be determined by stall availability, but no more than 3 animals will be allowed. (Mare and Foal is considered 1 animal)
  3. The Barn Superintendent is responsible for inspecting each horse for general health and soundness. Once a horse has passed inspection, that horse CANNOT be replaced or substituted by another horse.  Animals will have a health inspection upon arrival at the Fair.  A licensed veterinarian will have final judgment as to animal’s health.  No medication shall be given to any animal at the fair unless ordered by a licensed veterinarian and a written slip from the vet is given to the superintendent before the fair or upon arrival.
  4. Pen assignment sheets are due when all Jay County Livestock Pen Assignment Sheets are due. Any member not submitting a Pen Assignment Sheet by this time may not have a stall at the fair.
  5. Horses and ponies shall arrive on the fairgrounds during the hours set by the Jay County 4-H Council, not before.
  6. NO riding is permitted outside of the work area.
  7. The 4-H horse and pony member is to take care of the animal at the Fair. Parents may help if the 4-H’er is not present.  Only 4-H horse and pony members may ride or drive at the fair.
  8. A 4-H’er may enter only 1 animal per class (mare and foal is 1 animal).
  9. The final show bill will be made up when the pen assignments are turned in.
  10. No classes will be added or cancelled after the final show bill is made up.
  11. Classes are conducted and judged by the rules in the Indiana 4-H Horse & Pony Handbook.
  12. When Contesting, The contestant must enter the ring in a controlled manner, and start and stop the animal inside the ring. The GATE must be closed behind the contestant before the run begins, and not opened until the course has been finished.
  13. Flagrant abuse of animals and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. The first offense will cause a warning.  A second offense may cause expulsion by the Jay County 4-H Council Executive Committee.  This applies to parents as well as 4-H’ers.
  14. Unruly horses will be dismissed or banned from classes and fair at the discretion of the Horse & Pony Committee.



  1. No smoking or firecrackers in the barn.
  2. No running in barn.
  3. No excessive noise.
  4. No profanity.
  5. No alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or illegal drugs.
  6. No riding in barn.
  7. No stall decorations or aisle coverings, EXCEPT a poster board may be displayed on the stall.
  8. No horse play in barn.
  9. No person or persons will be allowed to sleep in barns overnight.
  10. Place all trash in trash cans.
  11. Stalls are to be cleaned daily and bedding added as needed. Water buckets must be in stalls and must contain water at all times.
  12. NO ONE is released until after the Supreme Showmanship is over, Stalls must be cleaned and inspected before animals are released.
  13. Only wood shavings are allowed for bedding. NO straw, shredded paper, etc.
  14. NO 4-H members may be in the barn or Show Arena after 11:00pm or before 5:00am.


Related Files

Horse & Pony Pen Assignments
Animal Lease Agreement
2020 Horse Vaccination Form

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