Pocket Pets
The 4-H Pocket Pet Project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information about properly caring for their unique animal. Subjects such as general care, nutrition, housing, and health care are presented in the curricular materials, through workshops, and in preparation of an exhibit. Youth also have the opportunity to develop responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communication skills.
PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Kay Dugger, 317-696-4473, Kdugger@comcast.net
EXHIBIT CHECK-IN: Sunday, July 20, 11:30 AM
JUDGING: Sunday, July 20, Noon, Open Judging
RELEASE: Sunday, July 20, Immediately following Pocket Pet show
STATE FAIR ENTRIES: No entries, County project only
Project Resources
Project Manual (available at the Extension Office)