Septic Education and Data Visualization
Septic systems are integral to the health of families, communities, and our shared environment. This project provides education to homeowners regarding septic system care and maintenance. It also provides resources to local governments and watershed planning groups to help effectively manage septic system impacts and make informed infrastructure decisions.
Purdue Extension and Illinois Indiana Sea Grant developed and implemented a community engagement series, released bilingual educational videos, and launched the Indiana Septic System Resource Toolkit, featuring information for homeowners, realtors, and local government officials. This collaboration was funded by the Indiana Department of Natural Resource Lake Michigan Coastal Program (LMCP) with participation from the Indiana Department of Health, Indiana Geographic Information Office, LMCP, and local government officials and residents of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties.
The project also led to the first statewide septic system database visualization dashboard and parcel-level septic system GIS layer, updated annually. The data layer is available for download at IndianaMap.
Kara Salazar
Assistant Program Leader for Community Development
Daniel Walker
Community Development Regional Educator