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Welcome to our new Nematologist, Dr. Lei Zhang

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Please join us in welcoming Dr. Lei Zhang as our new Nematologist at Purdue University. Dr. Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Nematology at Purdue University, with a joint appointment between Department of Botany & Plant Pathology and Department of Entomology. Dr. Zhang received his PhD in Molecular Plant Sciences at Washington State University (WSU) and then conducted postdoctoral research on plant-parasitic nematodes at North Carolina State University and WSU. Dr. Zhang’s research program at Purdue will focus on studying plant-parasitic nematodes causing serious crop yield losses in Indiana, including soybean cyst nematode and root-knot nematodes. Dr. Zhang’s interest includes applied research on nematode diagnostics and management, and also basic research on molecular plant-nematode interactions. The overarching goal of research is to develop effective and sustainable tactics for nematode control in agriculture.

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