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Area V Virtual Livestock Judging

Area V 4-H Youth Development Educators hold multiple Career Development Events or CDE's throughout the year for 4-H and FFA members to compete in. These CDE's include Livestock Skill-a-thon, Milk Quality Products, Soils, Forestry, Crops, Entomology, and Livestock Judging. With no face-to-face events allowed in the spring of 2020, a virtual livestock judging contest was constructed. Local volunteers submitted pictures of livestock to be used for the contest. The livestock classes are available on YouTube along with a recording of the live Zoom where the official placings, reasons, and top participants were recognized. 

Would you like to participate in the next Livestock Judging contest or one of the other CDE's listed? Contact your 4-H Youth Development Educator or FFA Advisor to find out more!

Cross Market Swine -

Cross Breeding Gilts -

Breeding Heifers - 

Market Cattle -

Breeding Ewes -

Market Lambs -

Yearling Boer Does -

Zoom Results -

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