Purdue University, Indiana Counties and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution
Celebrate Agriculture! Martin County Ag Day ALL ARE INVITED
March 19, 2022 8:00 am - 11:00 am EST Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
All Americans need to understand the value of agriculture in their daily lives. Below are just some of the key reasons why it's important to recognize & celebrate Ag Day each year:
2022 Martin County 4-H Handbook
Available at https://bit.ly/martin4h22handbook
Printed copies are available by contacting the Extension Office.
4-H Static Project Scorecards: Major Changes for Simplification!
All 2022 4-H scorecards have been reviewed, updated, and posted to the Indiana 4-H Youth Development web site. Visit at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/index.html
Scorecards are located on individual project pages. A general poster scorecard is available on the full project listing page. All previously used scorecards are outdated with the exception of some genealogy and some sewing scorecards.
All 4-H leaders, members and families are encouraged to become familiar with scorecards as you work to create 4-H exhibits for the 2022 Martin County 4-H Fair and the Indiana State Fair!
Martin County 4-H Club Meetings
Dream Team Club – TBA
Horse & Pony Club – TBA
Jolly Jug Rox Club
Location: Hindostan Church Fellowship Hall
Time: 6:00 pm
March: Tuesday 29
April: Monday 11, Monday 25
May: Tuesday 10, Wednesday 25
June: Monday 13, Monday 27
July: Tuesday 5
Jolly Juniors Club – TBA
Jr. Leaders
Location: Community Learning Center, Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Time: 2 pm
Date: Sunday, March 13
Shooting Sports Club- TBA
Tractor Club – TBA
Volunteer with 4-H Robotics Club or Jr. Leaders?
The Robotics 4-H Club & Jr. Leaders are in search of new volunteer leaders. Express interest by talking with Dena Held or any of the other 4-H Leaders and help make positive 4-H experiences with and for youth!
4-H Shooting Sports Instruction Certification Spring Workshop – REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW!
Date: April 1-3, 2022
Registration Deadline: March 18, 2022
Cost: $150
Register online at http://inhea.com/
Martin County 2022 Program Involvement and Empowerment
A Leadership Development Series Exploring the Essentials Elements of Positive Youth Development & Overview of the 2022 4-H Club Member Project Guidelines
March 10, 15 6:00 pm EST
Attend one or all sessions. (Previous sessions March 1 & 8)
Community Learning Center, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee, IN
Submit topics of choice or questions ahead of time to heldd@purdue.edu
Open at all! Geared for high school youth, adult leaders, parents, and mentors.
Virtual 4-H Volunteer Café Series 2.0 Program
Learn how to creative a positive environment and inclusive experience in all 4-H mission areas.
6:30 – 7:30 pm EST
April 19 – “Clubs can be fun”
Register for the free, virtual sessions at https://bit.ly/VolCafe2021 Please call 812-295-2412 if you need any assistance in gaining access the sessions.
Communication and Expressive Arts 2022 Opportunities
A benefactor wants you to do 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 of the following things to let YOU… Martin County youth… have FUN! Priority deadline to express interest is March 22, 2022.
State 4-H Band Workshop, June 18-20, 2022 at Purdue University Campus
Open to all high school age youth. Participants perform to over 500 people. (Youth pays $50 deposit to Martin County CES Ed Fund and once attends Band Workshop, will be reimbursed the $50) Full registration fee & 4-H enrollment will be paid by the benefactor! If other expenses are needed to be paid for you to attend, please discuss with Dena Held. Deadline to apply April 1, 2022.
State 4-H Chorus Workshop, June 18-21, 2022 at Purdue University Campus
Open to all high school age youth. Participants perform to over 500 people. (Youth pays $50 deposit to Martin County CES Ed Fund and once attends Chorus Workshop, will be reimbursed the $50) Full registration fee & 4-H enrollment will be paid by the benefactor! If other expenses are needed to be paid for you to attend, please discuss with Dena Held. Deadline to apply April 1, 2022.
Martin County Performing Arts Contest, April 21, 2022 at 6:30 pm
For youth 3-12 grades $20 enrollment fee will be paid & you perform April 21 at the Martin County Performing Arts contest.
Communication & Expressive Project
For youth 3-12 grades Participate in Martin County 4-H Club activities and exhibit a project (or projects) under the Communication and Expressive Arts. $20 enrollment fee will be paid & you may attend club meetings, participate in activities, and exhibit at the Martin County 4-H Fair. https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/
2022 4-H Camp for Campers! SAVE THE DATE!
Youth in grades 3, 4, 5, & 6 are encouraged to hold the following dates for 2022 4-H Camp! June 13, 14 & 15, 2022.
Indiana 4-H & Martin County 4-H Animal Details & Forms
Everyone interested may access 4-H animal details at https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/animal-identification.html to learn more and access forms for the 4-H year. The Purdue Extension Martin County Office is happy to help with access points and can print forms upon your request.
4-H Livestock Identification Day
Thursday, April 28th
6 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Livestock tagging for all livestock species and types of animals needing tagged MUST report to the 4-H Fairgrounds between 6 pm – 7:30 pm for tagging. This includes: Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats & Sheep. (exceptions as found at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/animal-identification.html)
Swine: Tags will be distributed for you to apply at home for biosecurity reasons. You must complete a swine tag request form with animal information prior to tag distribution.
Tags issued are for 2022 exhibition year.
Any arrangements for other accommodations must be completed PRIOR to April 28th as new identification tags will NOT be distributed after April 28th for those animals requiring tagging.
The tagging deadline is April 28, 2022.
Animal ID on 4honline Deadline May 16th
4-H members must identify all Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats, Horses, Llamas, Sheep and Swine in the 4-H Online system by May 15th (May 16 for 2022 only) to be eligible for exhibition at the Martin County 4-H Fair and/or The Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.
DNA Collection for Indiana State Fair Exhibition Deadline May 16th
Beef and Dairy Cattle, Meat Goats, Sheep and Swine must submit DNA hair samples by May 15th (May 16 for 2022 only) to the Extension Office to be eligible for Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.
Verification of Livestock Breed Status Deadline July 1st
Livestock who are purebred or have other registration papers with exhibitors who wish to show in those respective classes need to provide the properly registered papers by July 1, 2022 to the Extension Office.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Martin County Program Deadline for Livestock Exhibitors July 1st
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development. All youth who exhibit livestock are required to be certified annually. Certification can be obtained at an in-person class or via the online modules.
In Person Martin County Opportunities:
When: Monday, April 25, 2022 or Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 4 PM.
Where: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds / Community Learning Center, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee.
Details: Space is limited and registration is required. If there are no registrants 48 hours before classes, the class will be cancelled. For more info contact Dena Held heldd@purdue.edu
How to register: Register at https://yqcaprogram.org/ and log in using your 4HOnline email and password.
All youth in Indiana exhibiting an animal (Swine, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, and Poultry) at a county or state fair must have completed a Quality Assurance Certification, by July 1, 2021 for Martin County exhibitors.
Rabbit Tattooing & Poultry Testing
Friday, May 13th
6 pm – 7:30 pm
**Tentative due to potential biosecurity precautions**
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Equine Wednesday Webinars
April 20 – Trailer Safety, Dr. Robin Ridgeway
All sessions begin at 7:00 pm EST. Sessions are free and available through Zoom. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/3vxtxn88
The ISPA is pleased to announce that we are hosting two in person classes this year to certify a new group of Indiana certified Blood Testers! The dates for the two classes are as follows:
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 4:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at SIPAC (Dubois, IN)
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 8:30 a.m. – Noon at Purdue University (Creighton Hall)
The Registration Fee is $50 for the class, and we will offer an optional Blood Testing Kit (Bleeder and Loop, Plastic Test Plate and laminated How-To document) for $25.
The school teaches participants how to recognize Pullorum-Typhoid through the plate test screening process. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the plate test, through a simulated lab that demonstrates a negative, weak positive and positive test result. In addition, the course will provide an introduction to biosecurity, ways to prevent poultry disease, and best practices poultry care for backyard enthusiasts. In order to complete the course, participants will take a short open book multiple-choice test, where the questions are all pulled from material covered during the course. Instructors for the course include Purdue University Avian Pathology Professors, staff and residents, Board of Animal Health Veterinarians, and ISPA staff. All participants will receive a binder of materials, NPIP Blood Tester ID Card, a pad of VS Form 9-2 (Flock Selecting and Testing Reports), and other items.
Registration to attend either of these classes is now open on our website at https://www.inpoultry.com/classroombts
Blood Tester certification is good for three years, those seeking to renew their Blood Tester Recertification can do so online by completing a registration form and taking the recertification exam online. Blood Tester Recertification costs $25. Those that complete the process will receive a new Blood Tester ID Card and flash drive with poultry information. Website for Blood Tester Recertification: https://www.inpoultry.com/bloodtesterrecertification
Indiana State Poultry Association may be reached at:
Indiana State Poultry Association
Purdue University, ANSC
270 South Russell Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
OFFICE PHONE: 765-494-8517
EMAIL: ispa@purdue.edu
WEBSITE: www.INpoultry.com
Poultry Workshop
There will be a free 4-H Poultry Workshop at the Vanderburgh 4-H Center Banquet Hall on Saturday March 12th, 9am-11am CST Everyone is welcome. Learn about breeds for home needs and showing, proper care and nutrition, showmanship and what is needed to show at the fair. The workshop will be given by Matt McCammon – Vanderburgh County Poultry Judge, Master Exhibitor and Master Breeder
ServSafe Manager Class and Certification Exam
The ServSafe Class and Certification Exam fulfills Indiana requirements to become a “Certified Food Protection Manager” (formerly called Certified Food Handlers). Exams are available in a variety of languages and classes are offered in English and Spanish in our area.
The class and proctored examinations are offered at a variety of dates and locations. Training with Exam or Exam Only options for those who self-study are available. For a list of upcoming class dates visit: www.purdue.edu/servsafe/workshops
Save the date for a great opportunity for the first 15 adults registered. (Kids may attend with the registered adult.) The Family Table is a Purdue Extension Health & Human Science Program where healthy food preparation and nutrition is taught and demonstrated. Weekly meal kits are provided for cooking skill practices at home! St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Parish Center- Lower Level, 409 E Church Street, Loogootee
Small Animal Discovery Day
When: April 9, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Where: Noble County Fairgrounds
Test your knowledge with our interactive competition. Learn something new with our special guest speakers.
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2022 at: https://bit.ly/smallanimalday
Cost: $5, lunch included.
4-H Challenges Youth To Submit Their Best Shot
This latest photography challenge, sponsored by Minnesota 4-H, is open to youth across the Midwest. Youth are encouraged to use their photography skills and creativity to capture their best shot.
Youth as young as kindergarten are welcome to join the challenge. This is a great first experience for people who are new to 4-H. Learn more and register for the “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” photo contest on the Minnesota 4-H photography webpage: "Hit me with your best shot" 4-H photo contest | UMN Extension
“Photography is about capturing a moment in time,” said Julia Nilles, a 4-H’er from Lincoln County, Minn. and past challenge participant. “I love that 4-H photo challenges give me a reason to go out and take pictures of things. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, so by having a reason to go take more photos, I can improve my photography skills.”
Once registered for the challenge, youth can experiment with photography elements to create stunning photographs. On-demand lessons are available on the Minnesota 4-H photography project page, including how angles, light and composition to enhance your photography.
Youth may submiT their favorite photo (with no or minimal editing) with up to three sentences of why it’s special to them. Deadline to submit an image is 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2022. Volunteer 4-H photography judges will review all submissions, provide feedback and select the top images for special awards. All submissions will be entered into a prize drawing. Submitted images will be featured in a digital slideshow shared with participants and posted on Minnesota 4-H’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
4-H photography is a youth development offering of the University of Minnesota Extension. Learn more at: https://z.umn.edu/4h-photography.
For more news from U of M Extension, visit www.extension.umn.edu/news or contact Extension Communications at extnews@umn.edu. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
2022 Martin County Youth TRIP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE March 25
If you’d like to attend Round-up, 4-H Academy or one of the many other wonderful trips that are being offered, please fill out the trip application that is available online or by contacting the Extension Office. Return applications to the Martin County Extension Office by 3 PM on March 25th or email the application to heldd@purdue.edu , postal mail, or hand deliver 24/7 via the silver drop box at the Extension Office.
Based on the number of applicants, out of pocket cost for applicants will be determined as the 4-H Council will pay for as many as funds allow. The hope is for youth to attend with no out-of-pocket cost associated. A small deposit may be required and then reimbursed after attendance.
Please apply for trips that you wish to attend. If you have any questions call 812-295-2412. Applying for trips by the due date is necessary to coordinate, allocate funds & commit to busing from our area. Enrollment scholarships ($20 4-H enrollment fee) are available by requesting via e-mail to heldd@purdue.edu or text at 812-887-2783.
For a full description of trips please use this link https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/get-involved/state-programs/index.html
Trip application can be accessed at:
Citizenship Washington Focus
Date: June 26-July 1, 2022
Registration Deadline: March 15, 2022
Cost: $1200
This one-time trip is an exciting experience for 4-H members and other youth to go to the nation's capital and learn more about the meaning of citizenship. Listening, learning, sharing, receiving, caring and touring combine to provide a deeper respect and understanding for our American heritage and the principles, processes and structures of the U.S. government.
4-H members must be at least 15 years of age and in 9th grade or higher by the first day of the trip. The trip to Washington, D.C., will be made by Purdue charter bus.
State Fair Exhibit Hall Workers
Date: July 25-August 23, 2022 (partial time may be possible)
Application Deadline: April 1, 2022 or until positions are filled
Youth are afforded an opportunity to work at the Indiana State Fair as an Exhibit Hall Worker. Duties include checking-in non-animal exhibits, preparing exhibits for display to the public, record keeping, interacting with fair attendees, assisting with a variety of state fair events, and releasing exhibits. Workers will develop teamwork, customer service, record keeping, and other work-related skills through this temporary employment opportunity.
Exhibit Hall Workers must be a minimum of 14 years of age. This employment opportunity is also available to college-age young adults. Dormitory space is reserved for approved Exhibit Hall Workers. This is a minimum wage-earning employment opportunity.
National 4-H Congress
Date: November 25-29, 2022
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2022
Cost: $600 deposit if selected
National 4-H Congress is one of the premier experiences for 4-H members across the country. For more than ninety years, 4-H members have been gathering to celebrate the successes and accomplishments of 4-H at this event. National 4-H Congress provides a life-changing experience for youth to meet other 4-H members from across America, as they participate in educational workshops focusing on diversity, cultural experiences, leadership, team development, and of course having fun! 4-H members in grades 9-12 may apply. Nine select applicants and the Indiana State Fair Fashion Revue Grand Champion will comprise Indiana's delegation.
State 4-H Junior Leader Conference
Date: June 14-17, 2022
Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022
Cost: $180
Grades: 9-12
A 16-member Jr. Leader Council elected at last year’s conference plans the following conference. It is for those who want to learn new leadership skills, meet new friends from Indiana, and have fun.
4-H Academy @ Purdue
Date: June 8-10, 2022
Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022
Cost: $180
Grades: 9-12
4-H Academy @ Purdue is a program held at Purdue University specifically designed to offer hands-on, exciting opportunities to learn about a diverse selection of subjects and careers. During this conference previously known as 4-H Science Workshops, participants will meet and learn from professors, graduate students and other experts in their respective fields and participate in interactive activities and experiential learning. Participants stay in a Purdue University Residence Hall for two nights while exploring the Purdue University campus and meeting 4-H members from across Indiana.
4-H Round-Up
Date: June 20-22, 2022
Registration Deadline: June 1, 2022
Cost: $180
Grades: 7-9
4-H Round-Up is an exciting opportunity offered to youth who have completed grades 7, 8, and 9. Attendees have an opportunity to explore a variety of careers by attending classes created just for Round-Up attendees at Purdue University. Participants will get a taste of college life and will live in a Purdue Residence Hall for two nights. Youth have an opportunity to meet others from across the state and further develop their leadership skills. Recreation events are planned in the evenings and blocks of free time allow attendees the opportunity to build friendships on their own.
National 4-H Dairy Conference
Date: October 2-6, 2022
Registration Deadline: July 15, 2022
Cost: TBA
The purpose of the National 4-H Dairy Conference is to provide an educational program for better understanding of the operations involved in the production, processing, marketing, and use of dairy products; to provide a means by which youth can achieve educational objectives based on the developmental needs of youth; to provide a broader understanding of careers available in dairy production, processing, marketing, and selected areas.
This conference is open to any 4-H member, grade 9-12. Delegates should meet the following requirements: completed at least three years of 4-H dairy program; should have an outstanding record of 4-H accomplishments with major emphasis on dairy animal projects; should have the ability to make a real contribution to the conference and be capable of bringing inspiration and information back to their home county; cannot be an exhibitor in the World Dairy Expo or participant in National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. Delegates may attend this conference only one time.
4-H Shooting Sports Certification (Fall)
Date: September 9-11, 2022
Registration Deadline: August 26, 2022
Cost: $150
Global Gateway Experience
Date: TBA
Registration Deadline: TBA
Cost: TBA
Grades: 7-12
Global Gateway is a unique opportunity for youth to broaden their worldview through an immersive stateside experience. Teams of youth gather at the Howell Nature Center in Howell, Michigan to live for a one night in the Global Village to gain a deeper understanding of the daily challenges people living in poverty face every day. Youth also participate in teambuilding activities and learn what they as 4-H members can do to improve the lives of our local and global neighbors in need.
4-H Volunteer Awards of Excellence
Date: Fall 2022 Leadership Summit
Registration Deadline: August 15, 2022
Each year, state 4‑H programs nominate two outstanding individual volunteers through the 4‑H Salute to Excellence Awards. The Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award is given to an individual who has spent 10 or more years as a 4‑H volunteer while the Volunteer of the Year Award is given to an individual who has volunteered for 4‑H less than 10 years.
Contaminated Leafy Greens Turn Purple
Writer: Elizabeth K. Gardner; 765-441-2024; ekgardner@purdue.edu Sources: Lori Hoagland, lhoaglan@purdue.edu Yang Yang, yang1527@purdue.edu
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Some might say you look a little green when you are sick. Leafy greens actually turn purple — although not obvious to the human eye, it can be seen through advanced hyperspectral imaging (different than purple varieties of some vegetables). Purdue researchers discovered this color change in kale and basil stressed by cadmium, a heavy metal toxic to human and animal health.
The new detection method advances work to create a soil amendment that binds to the metal and keeps it from the plants, improving food safety in produce, baby food and prepared meals.
“It is very difficult to see heavy metal stress in plants,” said Lori Hoagland, professor of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at Purdue University, who led the research. “We need new tools for it. If we can quickly see it and accurately measure it as the plants grow, we will be better able to develop soil amendments that sequester the harmful metals, as well as identify contamination before it reaches our plates. Our goal is to be able to have drones that fly over fields and detect plant stress from cadmium, lead and arsenic.”
Hyperspectral detection is much faster than traditional chemical analysis techniques. It also does not require destruction of the plant being analyzed, which enables studies of the plants and soil amendments through different stages of plant development.
“Cadmium contamination of plants is known as a ‘silent killer’ because we can’t see it and don’t typically test for it,” said Hoagland, who leads Purdue’s Soil Microbial Ecology Lab. “The plants do suffer when exposed to high levels of cadmium, but they don’t shrivel and wilt or die. They appear fine, unless the cadmium levels are through the roof. Contaminated plants make it through to maturity and harvesting.”
Cadmium is used in batteries and is often bound to phosphate mined for fertilizers. Throughout the world, it and other heavy metals from trash and pollution seep into the soil and travel to nearby farms where crops absorb them. Consuming high levels of cadmium can lead to kidney disease, bone problems, cancer and other health issues.
“It is naturally present in many vegetables in small concentrations, but elevated levels can be harmful,” she said. “We particularly need to keep these levels low in baby foods, but it is a growing issue throughout our food chain.”
Hoagland worked with a team at Purdue’s Ag Alumni Seed Phenotyping Facility to sort through thousands of different wavelengths to see what combinations showed changes that indicated plant stress from the metal. They then verified the method through chemical analysis techniques.
The phenotyping facility is equipped with a set of imaging-based, high-throughput plant phenotyping systems that aren’t found at many universities. A phenotype is an observable characteristic of an organism that results from its genetic code and its interactions with the environment. Researchers are only beginning to tap into its capabilities, Hoagland said.
“I went into the study as a bit of a test and unsure of whether or not it would work for my research,” she said. “I was surprised by how powerful a tool it can be and how much data it generates in a short period of time. These imaging techniques are going to help us learn and answer many scientific questions.”
In the controlled-environment phenotyping facility, plants travel by conveyor belt to an imaging station at intervals selected by the researchers. Hoagland’s team’s results showed kale accumulated higher levels of cadmium than basil under the same soil conditions, but symptoms of cadmium stress were stronger in basil. They also discovered that the plants only showed cadmium stress in early development.
“Hyperspectral imaging includes many more bands than the red, green, blue, or RGB, color bands we can see,” said Yang Yang, director of digital phenomics at Purdue. “The technology is very sensitive to changes within plants that are not detectable to our eyes.”
The team implemented a machine-learning algorithm to sort and classify the data. “Through our dual pair of hyperspectral cameras, we can achieve full spectrum optical sensing from both the top and sides of a plant,” Yang said. “Purdue’s hyperspectral system can be used to scan plants from seedlings to a 15-foot corn stalk. This was the first time we used it to look for stress from heavy metals. It is an exciting application and was a new interdisciplinary challenge.”
The team first thought the effect of cadmium toxicity stress on levels of chlorophyll production would be a likely indicator, and they examined the green light spectrum. The resulting color change was very subtle. The team progressed through other stress-related changes in the plant and other parts in the plant’s reflectance spectra, Hoagland said. They found changes in metabolites due to the stress response offered a much clearer hyperspectral signal of stress.
“Looking at these secondary metabolites gave a much stronger signal, and there was a clear ‘purpling’ of the plant when viewed with the corresponding anthocyanin wavelengths,” she said. “So, if green decreases and purple increases, we know the plant is stressed.”
Hoagland and her team evaluated “vegetation indices,” which are combinations of reflectance from different wavelengths that have been identified as best for hyperspectral analysis of different plant properties. The team found the Anthocyanin Reflective Index, or ARI, is the best for detecting cadmium stress, and they developed a specific vegetation index ratio equation for it. They also developed a soil amendment to reduce the level of cadmium taken up by the plant. The work is detailed in a paper published in the journal Environmental Pollution.
“I have been developing soil amendments to help remedy environmental pollution,” Hoagland said. “These amendments are different mixes of bio char, which includes organic material waste and specially treated wood chips burnt at high temperatures. These can bind heavy metals and reduce uptake in combination with microbial processes. The trick is finding the right formulation of feedstock and temperatures.”
The tested formulation slightly decreased cadmium levels in the plants, she said. One solution could be for farmers to simply use more of the amendment, but Hoagland plans to continue to adjust and improve the formulation.
She also plans to use the hyperspectral imaging method to find a clear signal for lead and arsenic.
“I’m a soil microbiologist, so I’m usually in the dirt,” Hoagland said. “Imaging technology had been used more for evaluating drought responses or nutrients in plants, and my work was different. This was a new application for the tools and a great collaboration between engineers and scientists.”
In addition to Hoagland and Yang, Purdue researchers Maria Zea, a graduate student in Hoagland’s lab; Augusto Souza, a postdoctoral researcher for the phenotyping facilities; Linda Lee, professor of agronomy; and Krishna Nemali, controlled environment agriculture Extension specialist; worked on the project and are co-authors of the paper.
Martin County Youth Civic Engagement Council Announcement
Pictured are students:
Reis Whitney, Abigail Fischer, Kyleigh Courter, Madison Fischer, Lydia Cook, Caroline Walker, Avaley Braun, Logan Davis, & Eli Stoll.
Community Advisors:
Jim Dittoe, Erica Fair, Audrey Gibson, Jessica Potts, Noel Harty, Angie Risacher, Sierra Rutledge & Dena Held.
A Martin County/Shoals/Loogootee Youth Civic Engagement Council has been created to assist in creating strategic goals and objectives for the direction of the Community from the youth perspective.
This group of young people will participate in leadership training, meet monthly to outline a vision, goals, and measurable objectives that ultimately may be added to a Community Plan and work on specific projects for the betterment of the Community.
The YCEC includes Loogootee and Shoals High School students who will work together and with the Shoals Town and the City of Loogootee officials and Community Leaders for the advancement of the Martin County.
The Youth Civic Engagement Council has had two meetings and is beginning to set ideas into action following an initial goal setting session with the Community Advisory Council of leaders from Martin County.
The YCEC will focus their efforts through a Servant Leadership method and engage many other students in the Martin County Community.