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Upcoming Pond Clinic in Starke County

April 11, 2023
CONTACT: Phil Woolery, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Purdue Extension, Starke/Pulaski Counties
574-772-9141 Knox
574-946-3412 Winamac


 Purdue Extension to Host Pond Clinic

 Purdue Extension is hosting a pond clinic on May 17th. Ponds are a great source of enjoyment and recreation. However, vegetation and algae can decrease the beauty of the pond and make recreation harder. Fish can become stunted in ponds if populations are not managed. These problems can be managed with proper techniques.

At the pond clinic you learn different methods to manage vegetation. These will include cultural, mechanical, and chemical methods. The clinic will also discuss plant identification, which is the important first step in controlling a problem. Tom Bacula, Indiana DNR Fisheries Biologist, will discuss ways to keep fish population healthy in your pond.

The pond clinic will be held on May 17th at the Palmer Center for Aquatic Resources (6718 E Winona Ave Knox, IN 46534). You can register by visiting or calling the Extension Office at 574-772-9141 or emailing

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