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4-H Animal ID

What is the purpose of animal ID requirements? Why are they important?

A common misconception among many 4-H families is they are not livestock producers; they are livestock showers in the sport of livestock exhibition. Animal ID requirements teach youth that they are a part of a larger livestock industry in which individual animal ID and traceability are important. As Indiana 4-H counties begin their animal ID processes, it's important to understand why animal ID is required to participate in county fairs and the Indiana State Fair.

If you have animals, the general public considers you a livestock producer. Your actions can impact public perceptions of animal agriculture for good and bad. Animal ID requirements also prove that a specific animal is a 4-H member’s project animal. Ownership and ID deadlines set the parameters for the program year. This teaches youth to meet deadlines and pay attention to detail. It also ensures you have appropriate time to learn with your animal. 

Remember, this is not just a show. It’s about the learning that occurs between the ownership deadline and the county fair and/or state fair.

FairEntry is mandatory for all species this year - Deadline is July 1, 2021



2021 LaPorte County 4-H Beef ID Letter

2021 LaPorte County 4-H Beef ID FAQ's

Beef Cattle DNA Collection Instructions 



2021 Goat ID Letter


2021 Sheep Tagging FAQ's


2021 Swine Tagging FAQ's

General Information

2021 Indiana 4-H Animal ID Overview

Animal Lease Agreement

4HOnline Animal ID Instructions

DNA Hair Collection Video

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