The National Association of Community Development Professionals (NACDEP) and the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) are preparing to host their first-ever joint annual conference in Burlington, Vermont, from June 26-29. The theme for this year’s signature professional development opportunity is “Building a Path to Resiliency: Uniting Natural Resources & Community Development.”
The breadth and depth of the conference tracks is unprecedented for both associations, a direct result of the joint conference approach. Workshops, presentations, posters and experiential learning opportunities will cover a wide variety of topics, including community and economic development, forestry, water quality, housing, local food, social justice, placemaking, environmental education, arts and culture, sustainability, public and private initiatives – plus many more. In addition, the lineup of keynote speakers is certain to interest everyone in our field!
Our Purdue team has made a concerted effort to contribute to our discipline of community development and to foster strong linkages with our Extension colleagues across the United States and across program areas. Examples of proposals that have been accepted for this year’s conference include:
Community Readiness Assessment – Application of Theory
Tanya Hall, Tamara Ogle and Heather Strohm – Poster
Natural Helpers
Carmen DeRusha – Poster
When Pigs Fly: Zoning CAFOs in an Age of Polarization
Kris Medic – 30 minutes
All In: Building Positive Communities
Jan Reed – 30 minutes
Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces: Guiding the Development and Implementation of Inclusive Action Plans
Kara Salazar, Michael Wilcox and Steve Yoder – 30 minutes
Creating a Stormwater-Green Infrastructure-NEMO Community of Practice for Sea Grant and Extension Educators and Faculty
John Bilotta (MN Extension / Sea Grant), Kara Salazar (PU Extension / IL-IN Sea Grant), Becky Tharp (Lake Champlain Sea Grant) and Eliana Brown, (UIUC / IL-IN Sea Grant) – 90 minutes
“Hometown Collaboration Initiative”
Bo Beaulieu and Michael Wilcox – 30 minutes
“Leveraging Social Capital to Build Networks”
Melinda Grismer – Ignite Session
REMINDER: All accepted presentations need to reply to their acceptance letter by February 29.
Registration is now open, and early bird discounts end on May 9.