About the 4-H Consumer Clothing Project
We spend a lot of time and money on clothing. This project will help you increase awareness of the clothing industry, including where to shop, how much clothes cost, what are they made of, and who designs them. Learn all about clothing selection, wardrobe planning, care of clothing, and personal grooming.
Contact the Marion County 4-H office:
Consumer Clothing Project Manuals
You can learn more about consumer clothing by completing one of the project activity guides, based on your age level:
- Consumer Clothing: Beginner (Ages 10-12)
- Consumer Clothing: Intermediate (Ages 13-15)
- Consumer Clothing: Advanced (Ages 14+)
Project manuals may also be available to purchase at the Marion County Extension office, and older editions of manuals (if available) are free. Contact us to ask about availability!
Keep track of what you have learned using a consumer clothing record sheet.
Showcasing What You’ve Learned
You can create a project exhibit to showcase what you’ve learned while working on your project. Enter a notebook, prepare an outfit, and model your outfit for judges during the Fashion Revue at the Marion County 4-H Showcase!
Exhibit Guidelines
- Consumer clothing exhibit guidelines for 4-H members grades 3-12
- Consumer Clothing Fashion Revue Guidelines
- Marion County 4-H poster exhibit guidelines and tips
- A reference list must be included with your poster, notebook, or display board.
Score Cards
Advancing to the State Fair
- Yes! Consumer clothing project exhibits from 4-H members grades 3 and up are eligible to advance to the State Fair.
Cloverbuds (Grades K-2)
Choose one of the following:
- Design an outfit that you have purchased or have at home in your closet. Include the accessories you wear with this outfit.
- Design a poster of a current trend (something everyone is wearing now) for your age group. It can focus on color, texture, or style.
- Find an outfit at your favorite store, from a newspaper ad, or online that you really like. Put together an expense sheet (tell how much each item will cost), then try to find similar items at a lower or higher cost. Show the difference in cost between the two outfits.
Cloverbud projects are for exhibition only (not judged), so there are no score cards, and exhibits are not eligible to advance to the State Fair.
More Consumer Clothing Project Resources
- See Indiana 4-H’s consumer clothing project page for more resources.