Agriculture & Natural Resources
Contact Us
Sarah Brackney
Upcoming Daviess County Events
A Private Pesticide Applicator is anyone who applies pesticides to property they own, rent or otherwise control for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity. Any private applicator wishing to buy and use restricted-use pesticides must be certified by passing the Core exam.
A Private Fertilizer Applicator is anyone who applies manure from a Confined Feeding Operation (CFO) to property they own, rent or otherwise control for purposes of producing an agricultural commodity. Any private applicator wishing to use (apply, handle, transport) manure from a CFO must be certified by passing the Category 14 Agricultural Fertilizer exam.
A Private Applicator can supervise a noncertified individual using a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) if these requirements listed are met Direct Supervision of Noncertified Applicators Using Restricted Use Pesticides
The Program provides a learning framework for participants to increase their knowledge on a wide variety of horticultural subjects. In turn, participants volunteer and help others grow by sharing knowledge while providing leadership and service in educational gardening activities within their communities.
Just some examples of Purdue Extension Master Gardener volunteer activities in local Indiana communities:
- Presenting educational programs
- Working with youth (Junior Master Gardeners, 4-H, schools, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc.)
- Q & A Booths
- Habitat for Humanity
- Community & demonstration gardens
- Donations of produce to local food banks (i.e. From community, demo, and plant a row for the hungry)
- Hort therapy for elderly (nursing homes) & at-risk youth
- Community beautification
Contact your educator to learn more about Master Gardening in Daviess County.
Sarah Brackney
A Private Pesticide Applicator is anyone who applies pesticides to property they own, rent or otherwise control for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity. Any private applicator wishing to buy and use restricted-use pesticides must be certified by passing the Core exam.
A Private Fertilizer Applicator is anyone who applies manure from a Confined Feeding Operation (CFO) to property they own, rent or otherwise control for purposes of producing an agricultural commodity. Any private applicator wishing to use (apply, handle, transport) manure from a CFO must be certified by passing the Category 14 Agricultural Fertilizer exam.
A Private Applicator can supervise a noncertified individual using a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) if these requirements listed are met Direct Supervision of Noncertified Applicators Using Restricted Use Pesticides
The Program provides a learning framework for participants to increase their knowledge on a wide variety of horticultural subjects. In turn, participants volunteer and help others grow by sharing knowledge while providing leadership and service in educational gardening activities within their communities.
Just some examples of Purdue Extension Master Gardener volunteer activities in local Indiana communities:
- Presenting educational programs
- Working with youth (Junior Master Gardeners, 4-H, schools, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc.)
- Q & A Booths
- Habitat for Humanity
- Community & demonstration gardens
- Donations of produce to local food banks (i.e. From community, demo, and plant a row for the hungry)
- Hort therapy for elderly (nursing homes) & at-risk youth
- Community beautification
Contact your educator to learn more about Master Gardening in Daviess County.
Sarah Brackney
Featured Event
Featured Event
The annual Indiana Horticultural Conference and Expo (IHC) will take place Jan. 14-15 at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville. Current and aspiring vegetable and fruit growers, crop consultants, and allied industry members are invited to...
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