Land Use – Publications


Indiana Renewable Energy Community Planning Study and Ordinance Inventory Summary

Purdue Extension’s Land Use Team conducted a comprehensive overview study of land use regulation s for wind and solar energy. The report provides a summary of state-wide renewable energy ordinances and county snapshots.

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One Water Approach to Water Resources Management (ID-525-W) – Leslie Dorworth, Melissa Widhalm, Kara Salazar

Climate change is spotlighting the importance of managing water resources. Building on previous work (ID-524-W, ID-520-W, ID-519-W), in this publication the authors discuss how the One Water approach can benefit urban communities.  

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Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ID-524-W) – Melissa Widhalm, Kara Salazar, Leslie Dorworth

Energy-intensive development practices contribute to increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are leading to shifting climate patterns. This publication builds on two previous publications - ID-519-W, Climate Change: Communication strategies to support local planning; and ID-520-W, Climate Change: Are you preparing for it?


Tractor on a field

Are you preparing for it? (ID-520-W) – Melissa Widhalm, Kara Salazar, Leslie Dorworth

This publication provides an overview of how changing climate conditions will affect Indiana and the Midwest and offers sensible strategies for coping with these changes. Understanding past and future environmental changes can help regional policymakers more effectively support local and regional planning efforts.


corn field

Communication strategies to support local planning (ID-519-W) – Melissa Widhalm, Leslie Dorworth, Kara Salazar

Despite strong evidence that climate change is happening, many people do not realize the urgency with which we need to act, nor do they fully understand the types of impacts facing their communities. This publication provides some basic, but proven, strategies to help local officials more effectively communicate with the public about climate change.



image of a geographic map street view

The Comprehensive Plan (ID-234-W) – Indraneel Kumar, Val Slack

A community needs a comprehensive plan to serve as the compass for its future course. However, the ability and will to prepare and implement the plan is also critical. This publication describes the “why, what, and how” of a comprehensive plan and focuses on the process and the contents.


open field crop plantation

A Planning & Zoning Glossary (ID-228-W) – Indraneel Kumar

Confused about plans, districts, zones, codes, and more? Knowing and using a common vocabulary of planning and zoning terms will help you understand planning and zoning issues and communicate in a better way. This article describes the ABCs of Planning and Zoning. The various common terms used in planning are defined with examples of how and when they are used.


human community image from above

Welcome to the Plan Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals (ID-511-W) – Jeff Burbrink

Are you new to the local Plan Commission or the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA)? This article give an introduction to plan commissions and BZAs, the roles and responsibilities of both the groups and their individual members, what to expect at meetings, and where to go for further information.


image of a building in small town

Assessing Your Comprehensive Plan (ID-227-W) – Dan Walker

A comprehensive plan helps communities identify their shared goals and guides development policies that allow the community to reach those goals. It is the responsibility of a plan commission to develop a comprehensive plan, incorporating input from a wide range of stakeholders. This article describes the comprehensive plan, how it's created, and when to make revisions to that plan. ​


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One Water Approach to Water Resources Management (ID-525-W) – Leslie Dorworth, Melissa Widhalm, Kara Salazar

Climate change is spotlighting the importance of managing water resources. Building on previous...

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Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ID-524-W) – Melissa Widhalm, Kara Salazar, Leslie Dorworth

Energy-intensive development practices contribute to increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the...

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Are you preparing for it? (ID-520-W) – Melissa Widhalm, Kara Salazar, Leslie Dorworth

This publication provides an overview of how changing climate conditions will affect Indiana and...

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comm plan banner
Communication strategies to support local planning (ID-519-W) – Melissa Widhalm, Leslie Dorworth, Kara Salazar

Despite strong evidence that climate change is happening, many people do not realize the urgency...

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Purdue Extension.
The Comprehensive Plan (ID-234-W) – Indraneel Kumar, Val Slack

A community needs a comprehensive plan to serve as the compass for its future course. However,...

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