Should I transition some of my crop acres to USDA Certified Organic grain production? If you have been asking this question as you keep an eye on price premiums offered for USDA Certified Organic grain, or if you would like to earnestly explore a new production method on a few acres, an upcoming field day should benefit you.
Purdue Extension specialists and educators in northeastern Indiana are sponsoring the Northeast Indiana Organic Field Day at Northeast Purdue Agricultural Center (NEPAC), southeast of Columbia City, on August 2, 2023. With partial funding by North Central Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education, the cost of the field day is only $30, which includes lunch.
NEPAC has one field of USDA Certified Organic grain. Come to see what we’ve learned so far, observe some in-field demonstrations, and learn more about organic grain production.
The field day will feature several topics relating to organic production, including:
Registration and check-in will be from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. The field day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude by 3:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required by July 28. To register, go to, or call 765-494-6794.
For questions regarding the program content of the field day, call Ashley Adair, Extension Organic Agriculture Specialist, at 765-496-6362, or John Woodmansee, Extension Educator, at 260-244-7615.