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Overcoming Farm Stress

Everyone faces stress at difference levels throughout their lifetime. The Purdue Farm Stress Team focuses on helping farmers and those in the agriculture industry address the day-to-day stressors of operating an agricultural business. One helpful tip they recently promoted was doing a stress triage. 

To complete a stress triage simply write down a list of everything stressing you out in that moment. Try to focus on the short term. Then look at each item and determine whether it's within your control or out of your control. If it's within your control, think of one thing you can do in the next week to make it 1% better. If it's outside of your control, try to think of one thing you could learn about it in the next week. By trying to learn more about something that is out of your control, you are taking away part of what makes it scary and stressful by being more knowledgeable. Another way you can learn more and gain additional skills to help you overcome farm stress is by attending the Harvesting Her Voice: Connecting & Empowering Farm Women program sponsored by the Purdue Farm Stress Team.

Join us for the Harvesting Her Voice: Connecting & Empowering Farm Women program to learn more about balancing work and family with Kacee Bohle. In this practical workshop, personal development coach, Kacee Bohle provides strategies for bringing more intention into your personal and professional life. Drawing on her 14+ years in agriculture, she shares how to honor your values, set boundaries, and stop sacrificing success in one area for another. Attendees will gain insights on maximizing focus, energy, and time for what matters most. They'll walk away with an action plan to work smarter, not harder, and able to show up fully present as their best selves in every role. Raised on a multi-generational farm, Kacee intimately understands the demands of working in the agriculture industry. She now helps ag professionals live and work with greater meaning and purpose through her coaching, speaking, and program AgriMinds.

Along with hearing from Kacee, participants will have the chance to learn more about farm stress from the Purdue Farm Stress Team.  Purdue Succession Planning Team members will help participants discover resources to help their family navigate the hurdles presented to them when developing a succession plan.

Purdue Extension will be hosting the Harvesting Her Voice: Connecting & Empowering Farm Women program in Putnam County on June 25th at 6:00 pm.  Please join us for the program at Endeavor Communications, 2 S. West Street, Cloverdale. We ask that participants register by June 20th online here  or calling 765-653-8411. Registration does cost $5 per person and is payable at the door.  The program will start with a light meal. All paid participants will receive a neat wellness toolkit filled with stuff to help you implement the tools you learn during this workshop.

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