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Putnam County 4-H Council

The Putnam 4-H Council meets typically three to four times per year and otherwise as needed. See related files below for the past meeting minutes and the by-laws that explain the organization. If one is interested in nominating someone or serving on the 4-H Council, the form below may be downloaded and used to begin the nomination process. All 4-H Council members are required to complete the 4-H volunteer application process and be approved by Extension staff. 

4-H Council Nominations

There are 5 positions whose terms are expiring on the 4-H Council as of December 31, 2020 and each of these individuals are completing a first term and eligible for a second term. There is a two consecutive term limit when serving on the 4-H Council. Furthermore, each of these individuals have stated they are willing to serve a second term and will be slated again as incumbents. If you have a nomination, please use the nomination form below in the "related files" area to submit a nomination while following the nomination process. If you have questions, please contact Mark at the office by email or 653-8411 by phone. 

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