Purdue Extension Martin County Blast 3-28-22
All are invited to this opportunity to review, connect and have fun together around the subject of 4-H! All members, parents, stakeholders, and leaders, are invited to attend! If you’ve never been in 4-H, this is chance to connect and learn! If you have been involved in 4-H, here is a chance to know changes adopted!
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
6:30 PM
Community Learning Center, Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
RSVP by Monday, April 11th 1 PM by calling 812-295-2412, texting 812-887-2783, or emailing heldd@purdue.edu.
Submit topics of choice or questions by Monday, April 11th at 1 pm by calling, texting, or emailing.
Junior Leaders Easter Egg Hunt
April 10, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee, IN
2022 Martin County 4-H Handbook
Available at https://bit.ly/martin4h22handbook
Printed copies are available by contacting the Extension Office.
4-H Static Project Scorecards: Major Changes for Simplification!
All 2022 4-H scorecards have been reviewed, updated, and posted to the Indiana 4-H Youth Development web site.
Visit at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/index.html
Scorecards are located on individual project pages. A general scorecard is available on the full project listing page. All previously used scorecards are outdated with the exception of some genealogy and some sewing scorecards.
All 4-H leaders, members and families are encouraged to become familiar with scorecards as you work to create 4-H exhibits for the 2022 Martin County 4-H Fair and the Indiana State Fair!
Project drop / add deadline
All 4-H members must assure the projects chosen for the 4-H year is as they desire as soon as possible on v2.4honline.com. The deadline for project exhibition drop/add listing is May 15, 2022.
Martin County 4-H Club Meetings
Every 4-H member is invited to all Club Meetings and members are encouraged to be members of multiple clubs.
Dream Team Club – TBA
Horse & Pony Club
Thursday, April 14 at 6:30 pm
Horses welcome with approved horse health certificates and MUST be signed by a licenses Veterinary. Health certificates may be accessed at:
Or hard copy picked up at the Extension Office.
4-H members do NOT need to have a horse to participate in the Horse & Pony Club! New in 2022: 4-H members who DO NOT have their own horse are offered a Mentor Showmanship class.
Jolly Jug Rox Club
Location: Hindostan Church Fellowship Hall
Time: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:
April: Monday April 11 & Monday April 25
May: Tuesday May 10 & Wednesday May 25
June: Monday June 13 & Monday June 27
July: Tuesday July 5
Jolly Juniors Club
Location: Truelove Church
South on Highway 231
1195 Truelove Church Rd, Loogootee, IN
Time: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:
April: Monday April 18
May: Monday May 9 & Thursday May 26
June: Monday June 6 & Monday June 20
July: Tuesday July 5
Questions: Call Leader Kathy Lingenfelter at 812-709-1424
Jr. Leaders - TBA
Shooting Sports Club- TBA
Tractor Club – TBA
Volunteer with 4-H Robotics Club or Jr. Leaders?
The Robotics 4-H Club & Jr. Leaders are in search of new volunteer leaders. Express interest by talking with Dena Held or any of the other 4-H Leaders and help make positive 4-H experiences with and for youth!
Virtual 4-H Volunteer Café Series 2.0 Program
Learn how to creative a positive environment and inclusive experience in all 4-H mission areas.
6:30 – 7:30 pm EST
April 19 – “Clubs can be fun”
Register for the free, virtual sessions at https://bit.ly/VolCafe2021 Please call 812-295-2412 if you need any assistance in gaining access the sessions.
Communication and Expressive Arts 2022 Opportunities
A benefactor wants you to choose one or BOTH of the following things to let YOU… Martin County youth… have FUN!
For youth 3-12 grades $20 enrollment fee will be paid & you perform April 21 at the Martin County Performing Arts contest.
For youth 3-12 grades Participate in Martin County 4-H Club activities and exhibit a project (or projects) under the Communication and Expressive Arts. $20 enrollment fee will be paid & you may attend club meetings, participate in activities, and exhibit at the Martin County 4-H Fair. https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/
2022 4-H Camp for Campers! SAVE THE DATE!
Youth in grades 3, 4, 5, & 6 are encouraged to hold the following dates for 2022 4-H Camp! June 13, 14 & 15, 2022.
Indiana 4-H & Martin County 4-H Animal Details & Forms
Everyone interested may access 4-H animal details at https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/animal-identification.html to learn more and access forms for the 4-H year. The Purdue Extension Martin County Office is happy to help with access points and can print forms upon your request.
4-H Livestock Identification Day
Thursday, April 28th
6 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Livestock tagging for all livestock species and types of animals needing tagged MUST report to the 4-H Fairgrounds between 6 pm – 7:30 pm for tagging. This includes: Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats & Sheep. (Exceptions as found at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/animal-identification.html)
Swine: Tags will be distributed for you to apply at home for biosecurity reasons. You must complete a swine tag request form with animal information prior to tag distribution.
Tags issued are for 2022 exhibition year.
Any arrangements for other accommodations must be completed PRIOR to April 28th as new identification tags will NOT be distributed after April 28th for those animals requiring tagging.
The tagging deadline is April 28, 2022.
Animal ID on 4honline Deadline May 16th
4-H members must identify all Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats, Horses, Llamas, Sheep and Swine in the 4-H online system by May 15th (May 16 for 2022 only) to be eligible for exhibition at the Martin County 4-H Fair and/or The Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.
DNA Collection for Indiana State Fair Exhibition Deadline May 16th
Beef and Dairy Cattle, Meat Goats, Sheep and Swine must submit DNA hair samples by May 15th (May 16 for 2022 only) to the Extension Office to be eligible for Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.
Verification of Livestock Breed Status Deadline July 1st
Livestock who are purebred or have other registration papers with exhibitors who wish to show in those respective classes need to provide the properly registered papers by July 1, 2022 to the Extension Office.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Martin County Program Deadline for Livestock Exhibitors July 1st
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development. All youth who exhibit livestock are required to be certified annually. Certification can be obtained at an in-person class or via the online modules.
In Person Martin County Opportunities:
When: Monday, April 25, 2022 or Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 4 PM.
Where: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds / Community Learning Center, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee.
Details: Space is limited and registration is required. If there are no registrants 48 hours before classes, the class will be cancelled. For more info contact Dena Held heldd@purdue.edu
How to register: More details to be released soon on how to register as a platform change is underway.
In person Knox County Opportunities:
April 12 6:00 pm EST at VU Ag Center
April 24 3:00 pm EST at Knox County Fairgrounds
May 17 6:00 pm EST at VU Ag Center
All youth in Indiana exhibiting an animal (Swine, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, and Poultry) at a county or state fair must have completed a Quality Assurance Certification, by July 1, 2021 for Martin County exhibitors.
Rabbit Tattooing & Poultry Testing
Friday, May 13th
6 pm – 7:30 pm
**Tentative due to potential biosecurity precautions**
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Equine Wednesday Webinars
April 20 – Trailer Safety, Dr. Robin Ridgeway
All sessions begin at 7:00 pm EST. Sessions are free and available through Zoom. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/3vxtxn88
The ISPA is pleased to announce that we are hosting two in person classes this year to certify a new group of Indiana certified Blood Testers! The dates for the two classes are as follows:
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 4:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at SIPAC (Dubois, IN)
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 8:30 a.m. – Noon at Purdue University (Creighton Hall)
The Registration Fee is $50 for the class, and we will offer an optional Blood Testing Kit (Bleeder and Loop, Plastic Test Plate and laminated How-To document) for $25.
The school teaches participants how to recognize Pullorum-Typhoid through the plate test screening process. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the plate test, through a simulated lab that demonstrates a negative, weak positive and positive test result. In addition, the course will provide an introduction to biosecurity, ways to prevent poultry disease, and best practices poultry care for backyard enthusiasts. In order to complete the course, participants will take a short open book multiple-choice test, where the questions are all pulled from material covered during the course. Instructors for the course include Purdue University Avian Pathology Professors, staff and residents, Board of Animal Health Veterinarians, and ISPA staff. All participants will receive a binder of materials, NPIP Blood Tester ID Card, a pad of VS Form 9-2 (Flock Selecting and Testing Reports), and other items.
Registration to attend either of these classes is now open on our website at https://www.inpoultry.com/classroombts
Blood Tester certification is good for three years, those seeking to renew their Blood Tester Recertification can do so online by completing a registration form and taking the recertification exam online. Blood Tester Recertification costs $25. Those that complete the process will receive a new Blood Tester ID Card and flash drive with poultry information. Website for Blood Tester Recertification: https://www.inpoultry.com/bloodtesterrecertification
Indiana State Poultry Association may be reached at:
Indiana State Poultry Association
Purdue University, ANSC
270 South Russell Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
OFFICE PHONE: 765-494-8517
EMAIL: ispa@purdue.edu
WEBSITE: www.INpoultry.com
Save the date for a great opportunity for the first 15 adults registered. (Kids may attend with the registered adult.) The Family Table is a Purdue Extension Health & Human Science Program where healthy food preparation and nutrition is taught and demonstrated. Weekly meal kits are provided for cooking skill practices at home! Will be held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Parish Center- Lower Level, 409 E Church Street, Loogootee
All classes and materials are free and registration is required. Program open to all. Class size is limited. Register here: https://bit.ly/FamilyTable2022
Independent Professional Seed Association Scholarships
The Independent Professional Seed Association is pleased to announce the opening of the scholarship period for the 2022/2023 school year. Working with the IPSA Education Committee, the IPSA Board will award ten $2,000 scholarships to students studying in the field of agriculture.
Both high school seniors and active college students majoring in Agriculture are encouraged to apply. The IPSA Board of Directors encourages all members to send this application to customers and friends, your local high school FFA chapters and, 4-H Clubs. We believe this scholarship process is a benefit to all IPSA Member Companies.
After the success of the online application, the IPSA Education Committee has once again worked to make this a smooth process by employing an online application via SurveyMonkey. Send all applicants to this apply
here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022IPSAScholar
Deadline to apply: April 30, 2022
Backyard Poultry Biosecurity Webinar
April 14th at 12:00 pm Eastern
Register at: tinyurl.com/WIAPoultry
With the 2022 outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in southern Indiana, it has reminded livestock producers about the importance of biosecurity. Please join Jean Doerflein Wilson, Director Animal Disease Traceability and Avian Health Specialist with the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, for this webinar on backyard poultry biosecurity.
This webinar is free and a recording will be shared with registered participants.
Questions? Contact smith535@purdue.edu
Shoals, Indiana: The Daviess-Martin Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) will host a free wildflower walk on Saturday April 16th, 10am at the Bluffs of Beaver Bend Nature Preserve. Anyone interested is invited to attend to learn to identify the wide variety of rare native plants growing along the roadway at the base of the bluffs and up into the rocks, as well as the invasive garlic mustard that threatens them. No special equipment will be needed. The roadway follows closely along the bluffs so this walk will be accessible for all abilities. The event will take place rain or shine, unless severe weather is forecast.
To reach the Bluffs, turn south from Highway 50 at the east end of the White River bridge, onto Water Street in downtown Shoals. Stay on this street/road for exactly one mile, passing the fire station and crossing the bridge over Beaver Creek. Stop immediately and park at Spout Springs. We will walk into the preserve from there.
Karen Whorrall will lead the walk, which is expected to last about 45 minutes, for any questions contact Karen at 812-388-6639. For more information on this nature preserve visit the Indiana DNR website at www.in.gov/dnr/naturepreserve/files/np-BluffsofBeaverBend.pdf. If you’re interested in learning more about invasive species in the area, follow the Daviess-Martin CISMA on facebook at www.facebook.com/Daviess-Martin-CISMA-262962797961644. You can also contact Invasive Species Specialist Emily Finch at Emily.finch@in.nacdnet.net, 812-482-1171 ext.3.
Unexpected Plants and Animals of Indiana: Scarlet Tanager
By Chad Campbell
A Scarlet Tanager’s bright red feathers can make them look out of place among the canopies of Indiana’s forests. But when they winter near the equator, Scarlet Tanagers look right at home.
“The red coloration of a Scarlet Tanager is made possible by a pigment that the birds cannot create,” explained John “Barny” Dunning, professor of wildlife ecology. “They have to eat certain fruit that has the pigment already in it. Their digestive system can isolate the molecule, put it into their bloodstream and send it to be deposited in developing feathers.”
In plants, the pigment helps make the fruit visible to consumers. It proves useful to male scarlet tanagers as well.
“The color serves as a signaling device to other males, telling them to stay away from their territory,” said Dunning. It signals to females in a different way. “The brighter the male, the more likely they are to mate with the best females.”
During the breeding season, Scarlet Tanagers eat mostly bugs. In the fall, their diet consists mainly of fruit. Fruit is full of sugar, which tanagers convert to fat.
“To make long journeys, tanagers need to pack on migratory fat. They can increase their body weight by more than 50%. Gram for gram, fat stores even more energy than carbohydrates.”
The migration can be demanding. Their journey to South America sometimes stretches over 4,000 miles and the 500-mile crossing of the Gulf of Mexico offers no opportunities to rest.
While people may assume changes in temperature or food availability trigger migrations like these, that is not the case.
“In the fall, people ask me if they should leave their bird feeders up,” said Dunning. “They are concerned that providing food encourages birds to stay north too long. There is no need to worry. Species that are truly migratory use the length of the night to determine when they leave. It signals hormonal changes that cause physiological responses.”
Scientists study migratory restlessness, also known as Zugunruhe, to learn about these behaviors.
“If you put a scarlet tanager in captivity, it will hop around its cage nervously as if it’s trying to migrate when the days change length. If you show them something like the moon or stars that they orient to in the fall, migratory birds will hop mostly to the south.”
The effect is similar in the spring when the appropriate cues encourage them to hop north. “They will even respond to cues like the polarized light of the sun. With some cues, they go in the right direction. If you remove those cues, the birds hop in random directions.”
Outside the cage though, Scarlet Tanagers take flight, bringing their unexpected flash of red to Indiana’s treetops.