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2023 Bi-State Crops Conference

(Content from Purdue Extension Vermillion County Facebook Page)

Bi-State Crops Conference – December 5th
Farmers across two states can get a jump on next year’s growing season by drawing knowledge from experts in Illinois and Indiana at the annual Bi-State Crops Conference happening December 5th at the Beef House in Covington, Indiana. Boasting an impressive panel of speakers discussing topics from nutrient loss to weed control, this year’s meeting promises to extend new ideas and detail exciting research from University of Illinois and Purdue.
“The crops conference has been a mainstay of the Bi-State ag group’s offerings since 2009. This year’s program promises to be an interesting showcase highlighting various crop production topics. Getting that kind of timely information from two universities with such impeccable agriculture programs with cutting-edge research is a tremendous opportunity for farmers in the area,” says Crops Conference Chair and Purdue Extension Educator Jon Charlesworth.
Dr. Bill Johnson, Purdue Professor of Weed Science, Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology, kicks off the event with a weed management update and information on how to plan for the 2024 growing season, followed by Illinois agroecologist Dr. Carmen Blubaugh with an introduction to the Diverse Corn Belt Project, a multi-disciplinary research project exploring opportunities beyond corn and soybeans and investigating the real-world impacts of diversified farming systems.
Purdue Extension Educators Kurt Lanzone and Adam Tyler close the morning session with Managing the Storm, Farm Stress for Producers.
After lunch, Dr. Andrew Margenot, Associate Professor at the University of Illinois, will discuss overlooked non-ag but non-point sources of nutrient losses: why they matter for achieving nutrient loss targets in Illinois and Indiana. Adam Shanks, Digital Agriculture and Natural Resources Curriculum Lead, Purdue Extension, closes the conference with More than just scouting with a drone.
The conference cost of $30 (cash or check) will be collected at the door and includes lunch, PARP, Commercial Indiana Pesticide Applicator, and Certified Crop Advisor educational credits. Sponsors for this year’s conference are the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council. Registration is limited to 75 participants, so don’t wait to get your name on the list. Visit for more information and to get signed up.

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