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Indiana Poultry Health Advisory Meeting

Meeting Announcement

Poultry sector stakeholders are invited to participate in the inaugural meeting of the Indiana Poultry Health Advisory Council (IN-PHAC), hosted by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) and chaired by State Veterinarian Dr. Bret D. Marsh.


The meeting will be Friday, January 6, 2023 at Noon Eastern

Stakeholders may join:

  • in-person at the BOAH central office: 1202 E 38th Street; Discovery Hall, Ste. 100; Indianapolis, In 46205,


Meeting ID: 288 899 438 320          Passcode: Wab9jD

    • Join with a video conferencing device     Video Conference ID: 117 852 042 

    • Or call in (audio only)

+1 317-552-1674,,802414926#   Phone Conference ID: 802 414 926#

What will be discussed?

Topics to be discussed include:

  • BOAH Updates:  Changes in the Poultry Sector, Budget Request, Indiana Center for Animal Policy
  • Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Updates
  • Egg Drop Syndrome Virus (EDSV) Updates

What is IN-PHAC?

The Indiana Poultry Health Advisory Council (IN-PHAC) is an open forum for poultry sector stakeholders, including producers (all sizes and all species), veterinarians, and allied industry partners. Membership is not set or restricted—all partners are welcome. Broad representation across is the goal.

Meetings will provide opportunities for BOAH to update producers and partners about issues of interest. Active participation by everyone is encouraged to advise the Board on those issues, including specific tasks and/or rule proposals as they arise. The State Veterinarian will chair the meetings.

IN-PHAC meeting will be convened on an as-needed basis.

Want to be on the email list?

If someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to receive future IN-PHAC emails directly, send a request to .

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