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2020 Harrison County Posts

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Purdue Extension.

Poultry Enthusiasts Excel with Purdue group seeks input from Indiana residents

The PEEPS (Poultry Enthusiasts Excel with Purdue) group is seeking input through a survey to develop poultry programming across Indiana. Your input...

Purdue Extension.

SPARK Club Opportunities

A SPARK Club is a short-term club that provides an experience for a specified topic. These are lead by volunteers who are knowledgeable and...

Purdue Extension.

Interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer?

Interested in serving as a 4-H volunteer? Call the Extension office at 812-738-4236 to request a volunteer application. Every new volunteer must...

Purdue Extension.

Purdue Extension Harrison County Fall Fair

Purdue Extension Harrison County participated in the Harrison County Fall Fair with Education Stations on Friday, September 25 and Saturday,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Clubs and Leaders

4-H Clubs and Leaders

Purdue Extension.

4-H Operating Procedures for Programs Involving Minors

Volunteers! Are you up to date on your Youth Safety Training? You will not be able to become active on unless your training is...

Purdue Extension.

Purdue Extension Harrison County April-June 2020 Quarterly Report

Purdue Extension Harrison County April-June 2020 Quarterly Report

Purdue Extension.

2020 Harrison County Virtual Premium Auction

Our 4-H members worked hard on this year's project animals. You can support them by participating in our 2020 Harrison County 4-H Virtual...

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