*All workshops are hands on workshops. 4-H’er must bring all their own decorating materials. For questions about the project or the workshops, contact the project leader.
PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Tonya Cassell, 317-385-6019,
EXHIBIT CHECK-IN: ALL Levels Wednesday, July 14, 8-9 AM
JUDGING: Advanced, Intermediate Wednesday, July 14, 9 AM, Open Judging
Beginner Wednesday, July 14, 10:30 AM, Open Judging
RELEASE: Tuesday, July 20, 9-11 AM, and 5-7 PM
STATE FAIR ENTRIES: One (1) Beginner, One (1) Intermediate, and One (1) Advanced
2021 Welcome Letter
Fair Page
Record Sheet
Cake Decorating Skills Sheet to bring with exhibit - REVISED March 2018
Cake Decorating Skills Chart and Techniques - revised 10/2018
Score Card
Items YOU bring to the workshop
BEST 4-H Frosting Recipe
Decorating Frosting Recipes
Cake Base Order Form
Please go to and/or other educational resources. Wilton is no longer making these books and we will not be carrying them any longer.