PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Holly Faust, 317-776-8412,
EXHIBIT CHECK-IN: Sunday, July 11, 4-6 PM
JUDGING: Monday, July 12, 8:30 AM, Closed Judging
RELEASE: Tuesday, July 20, 9-11 AM , and 5-7 PM
STATE FAIR ENTRIES: Three (3) Exhibits/Poster, and one (1) Independent Study
Geology Resources: The Hamilton County 4-H Office ordered the publication: “Let’s Look at Rocks: Collecting and Identifying Rocks in Indiana”. They will be available to you for $5.00 as they are an additional resource. You can purchase it online at the Purdue Education Store but it will cost you extra. The 4-H Project Books are free to 4-H’ers signed up for the Geology Project this year.
General 4-H Rules
Fair Page
Record Sheet-grade 3-5
Record Sheet-grade 6-8
Record Sheet-grade 9-12