This message is in response to the COVID –19 ongoing and changing situation. Purdue University is expanding their in-person face to face meetings precautions until May 18, 2020. With this regulation, there are many adjustments that we must make in order to meet the needs of our 4-H members and families.
4HOnline Deadline
The deadline for all animal species to be identified in the 4HOnline system to be eligible for the 4-H shows at the Indiana State Fair is now June 1, 2020. All DNA samples for all swine, beef, dairy beef, dairy feeders, sheep and meat goats will be due to the Purdue Extension Crawford County Office by June 1, 2020.
Indiana State Fair Entry
In 2020 ISF will be extending their initial deadline to July 1, 2020 to help accommodate 4-H families. Please remind families that animals must be properly identified in 4HOnline by June 1st to be eligible for the Indiana State Fair 4-H shows.
Animal Identification
For 2020 only, 4-H members are to pick up the necessary tags from the Purdue Extension Crawford County Office. It will be up to the 4-H family to apply the tags to the animals themselves. Instructions/ videos of how to administer tags be found on our Purdue Extension Crawford County website at It does not matter which ear is tagged. We encourage all youth and adults to watch the videos resources. Animals should be properly restrained and youth should be a part of the process when applying the tags. Extension Educators and volunteers will not be traveling from home to home applying the tags.
4HOnline- Beef, Dairy Beef, Dairy Feeder Steers, Sheep and Meat Goats
4-H members in the beef, dairy beef, dairy feeder steers, sheep and meat goat projects are required to upload two images of their animals in 4HOnline for verification purposes. The first colored photo will be of the animal’s head showing all required tags in the animal’s ears. The second colored photo will be a full body image showing all 4 feet and the head of the animal must be in the photo. This is the same requirement for horse and pony.
If families need assistance in adding the photos in 4HOnline, please contact Extension Educators for assist with this step. Please note that none of the tag/DNA identification requirements have changed from our initial chart for 4-H animals planning to exhibit at the Indiana State Fair.
Concluding Thoughts
We will be relying on the honesty of 4-H members and their families to keep the integrity of the 4-H program. Our goal first and foremost, is the safety and health and well-being of our families. Our second priority is to continue to provide positive hands-on learning experiences. Animals are merely the teaching tools for the fundamental life skills that 4- H provides. This is a year in which we have to allow for flexibility, and also, rethink how we traditionally view animal identification events among other things. Most importantly these steps will keep public health at the forefront.
Indiana 4-H is continuing to work towards all summer programming goals. No matter the year, animal projects always have an element of financial risk involved. It is important to remember that showing an animal does not constitute the completion of a project. We have wonderful programming that occurs both in and out of the barn.
Thank you all for being great examples of flexibility and resilience during this time.
Molley Scott
Purdue Extension Crawford County | 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Gail Peitzmeier
Purdue Extension Crawford County | 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator