How to volunteer: Contact the Purdue Extension Blackford County at 765-348-3213 and request a volunteer packet. There is information about what it means to volunteer with Indiana 4-H and the steps required. The process does take some time. We want to make sure that our youth have a positive experience and the adults that work with them are vital to making that happen.
We have positions that perhaps only help one time a year. We have positions that help multiple times a month. Depending on your interests and time commitments - we may have an opportunity for you!
Blackford County 4-H Council - They oversee the total 4-H program in Blackford County. They are responsible for the 4-H Clubs, 4-H Building Superintendents and Club Leaders. They also select the projects that are offered in Blackford County. At the 4-H Fair they oversee the "building projects".
Blackford County 4-H Fair Board of Directors - Elected from the Blackford County 4-H Fair and Open Fair, Inc. Association membership (application available on the 4-H Calendar page). They are responsible for the 4-H Buildings and Grounds. They oversee the 4-H Fair. They are also responsible for the 4-H Animal projects at the 4-H Fair. They oversee the 4-H Animal Superintendents.
Blackford County 4-H Booster Club - They are responsible for fundraising and overseeing donations to the 4-H program.
4-H Club Leaders - They are responsible for their individual 4-H Club. They are appointed by the 4-H Youth Educator with recommendation from the 4-H Council.
4-H Project Superintendents - They are responsible for assisting with a specific 4-H project. They are appointed by the 4-H Youth Educator with recommendation from the 4-H Council (Building projects) or the 4-H Fair Board of Directors (Animal projects).
You can review the information that is available at the bottom of this page for additional information. The state website is also available with resources and information on being a 4-H volunteer.
Office Hours
Please keep in mind that our office hours are Mondays - Fridays from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Please call first or make an appointment so we can be sure to have someone here that can help you.
ALL Volunteers MUST Re-enroll
All 4-H volunteers must re-enroll through 4honline. The website is:
Re-enrollment begins October 1. If you are an approved volunteer you can also sign up in 4honline. It is the way you will get information from us!!! If you have a FAMILY account – log into it and indicate you are a volunteer. If you need assistance we have handouts posted on our web page.
Book Mark This! Here is the link to the 4-H Calendar – the information is at the bottom of the page
Mandatory Training
Purdue University is requiring ALL adults that are associated with the university (including 4-H Volunteers) to participate in “Programs for Minors” training.
We will also be offering a short, painless, in person, group training.
You can also do the online training. You must first update your 4honline account for this year. Log out. Then log back in to your 4honline account to take this training. It takes 15-20 minutes.
Enrollment Deadline
The State Deadline is January 15. Blackford County encourages signing up by December 1. Why? Our clubs start meeting in January. We need time to get the books, manuals and record sheets ready for over 300 youth. The more that get signed up early – the greater the possibility that we will have their materials ready to go for those first club meetings.
ALL NEW Volunteers
All NEW Volunteers to the 4-H program must complete a PAPER application complete with 3 references. In addition ALL new volunteers must complete the online training for new volunteers. If you do NOT have access to a computer, you can make an appointment and take the training at the Extension Office. This is a STATE requirement.
Do you Know Someone?
Do you know someone that would be a good volunteer to work with kids? Blackford County 4-H has LOTS of opportunities!!! Our program is growing and we need volunteers that are willing to get involved and grow with us!
Please have them pick up a volunteer packet at the Extension Office. They can talk with me about the possibilities that we have available. We need volunteers that are willing to donate a few hours once a year to volunteers that would like to donate time on a weekly basis.
Please spread the word…
Book Mark This! Here is the website for Blackford County 4-H Volunteers: