Step 1: Enroll
Enroll October 1 - January 15 online at
Step 2: Project Books
Project books are mailed.
There are activities that can be done (usually with the help of an adult or older youth) as well as ideas for projects that can be exhibited at the 4-H Fair.
Step 3: Exhibit at the 4-H Fair
Exhibiting at the 4-H Fair is an optional activity. All Mini 4-H exhibits will receive a Mini 4-H Ribbon and positive comments on a score sheet. When exhibiting at the 4-H Fair, youth may bring 1-3 projects to exhibit. See the 4-H Fair schedule for exhibit times.
Bugs – Grades K or 1 Learn about bugs! What’s the difference between a spider and an insect? How do bugs play hide and seek? Learn about butterflies. There are a variety of exhibit ideas listed in the manual.
Collections - The fun thing about collecting is you can collect anything you want. There is not a right or wrong collection. You can display your collection in many ways. Be creative! Exhibit your collection at the fair.
Crafts- Explore the hobby of crafts. Exhibit your craft item.
Dinosaurs- Learn about different types of dinosaurs, how big they were and about fossils. Exhibit suggestions include pictures of dinosaurs, fossils, model of a dinosaur or a diorama.
Farm Animals- Learn about different farm animals. You can learn about 1 or as many as eight different animals.
Foods- Learn about measuring, kitchen safety, good nutrition, and making easy recipes. Exhibit a food item or poster.
Forestry- Do you like to take walks in the park or sit under trees in the summer? Have you seen animals or birds that make their homes in trees? Can you find things made of wood around your home? If you have questions about trees and how trees help us, Mini 4-H Forestry is for you! If you would like to exhibit at the fair, you may want to make a poster about your favorite trees or what trees are used for. You may want to draw a picture about your visit to a lumberyard to learn more about woods. There are many more ideas!
Gardening- Involves planting a seed in soil and watching it grow. Gardening can be done indoors. Learn when to plant and how to care for a vegetable. Exhibit one plant in a pot (includes Chia Pets) or a plate with three different vegetables you have grown.
Models- A model is a small version of a real life thing. Learn the skills necessary to make a model. Exhibit a model from the list of suggestions in the book. They may be from a kit or made out of materials such as: clay, Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, sugar cubes, etc.
My Pet & Me- Do you have a pet at home or would you like to learn more about pets? Then this is the project for you! Exhibit a poster or scrapbook.
Sewing—Kindergarten What do you need to know before you sew? Measuring, cutting, following directions. This project is great fun for youth to do with an adult. Can make a scarf to exhibit. NO SEWING MACHINE REQUIRED.
Sun, Stars, & Space – Grade 1 or 2. Learn about the different planets and the sun. This project will let you soar with the Space Shuttle.
Trees— Grade 2. Can you name the tree a leaf came from just from the shape of the leaf? Do you know how to tell how old a tree is? Have you ever wondered how trees get food and water? If you would like to learn the answers to these questions and many more…Mini 4-H Trees is for you! Your exhibit might be one of the activities from the book, leaf rubbings you have made, or a collage of pictures of leaves. There are many more ideas!
Wildlife – Explore the great outdoors! Learn about the animals that live around you.