Must be in 7th grade or higher to participate in welding project.
There are three divisions: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. You may be in Beginner and Intermediate for no more than two years each. For example, if you start the project in 7th grade, you can be in Beginner for two years, Intermediate for two years, and Advanced for two years (unless you chose to participate in the Advanced division earlier).
In addition to the requirements listed below for each division, all exhibits will have a card attached with the following information:
Electrode number
Electrode diameter
Amperage or dial setting
Polarity setting
Safety equipment used
Using an 1/8" E6013 electrode, weld three capital letters of the alphabet (or your initials) onto a piece of mild steel by running beads 2" high (meaning each letter should be 2" high). The steel will have the following dimensions: 1/4" x 4" x 6". See "Beginner Diagram" for example. Also see page 30 in Arcs & Sparks for guidance.
Attached required information card to exhibit.
Using an 1/8" E6013 electrode, take three pieces of mild steel with the same dimensions listed above, make one flat butt weld lengthwise, and then one flat lap weld on top of one side of the butt-welded piece. See "Intermediate Diagram" for example. Also see pages 36-39 in manual for guidance.
Attach required information card to exhibit.
Using either an 1/8" E6013 or E6011 electrode, repeat exhibit specifications from Intermediate Division and add a fourth piece of mild steel with the same dimensions to create a vertical t-weld on top of the lap weld, going up on both sides of t-weld (as opposed to welding down). See "Advanced Diagram" for example.