We do NOT provide a manual for this project. There are many acceptable books about quilting that are available at fabric and other stores.
The Extension Office can order a notebook from Nebraska. This is an excellent resource for youth as well as adults. Contact the Extension Office if you are interested in purchasing this resource. Contact Extension Office for current pricing on this publication.
Option 1 & 2 Additional Information
All quilts must be clean and finished for intended purpose. A quilt consists of three layers: backing, batting and top. All quilts must be quilted (hand or machine) or tied. All quilt piecing and finishing must be the sole work of the current 4-H member. No pre-quilted fabric may be used. Wall quilts must have a hanging sleeve on the back of the quilt, or some method for hanging. All quilts must have a permanent label (not paper) on the back (preferred in the bottom right corner). Include name of quilt, quilt maker, date. Additional information may be added if desired. You must exhibit a different item each year. You cannot add to a previously exhibited item.
Option 1 QUILTING -- Machine
Option 2 QUILTING – Hand: Item can be machine pieced (stitched) with the quilting done by hand.
Option 3 Educational Display - All levels