Save your manuals. You will use your manual more than one year. It is also a good resource as you move through this project.
Exhibit Introduction
*designates a State Fair entry possibility. Counties may send two entries from Level One (1), four entries from Level Two (2) and four entries from Level Three (3) for a total of ten exhibits. Being selected as a class winner may not be an automatic State Fair entry. The judge(s) will need to choose the best from each level.
Mounting and Labeling:
LEVEL 1 - GRADES 3, 4, AND 5
You choose either type of prints to exhibit and choose to perfect your skills in either or both. You are encouraged to try your hand at both types of film for a broader learning experience. Your prints may be a mix of digital and/or standard development.
CLASS DESCRIPTION LEVEL 1-GRADES 3, 4 AND 5-Two entries total from a county in this level.
LEVEL 2 - GRADES 6, 7, AND 8
You may choose from the class list below:
CLASS DESCRIPTION LEVEL 2 -GRADES 6, 7 AND 8 -Four entries total from a county in this level.
EXHIBIT: 10 black & white pictures, none of which is larger than 5" by 7" nor smaller than 2" by 3 1/2", mounted on a background board 22" x 28", displayed horizontally, with stiff backing and covered with plastic. The poster must carry the title "Photography is Fun". See mounting and labeling instructions section. Your prints may be a mix of digital and/or standard development.
EXHIBIT: 10 color pictures, none of which is larger than 5" by 7" nor smaller than 2" by 3 1/2", mounted on a background board 22" x 28", displayed horizontally, with stiff backing and covered with plastic. The poster must carry the title "Adventures in Color". See mounting and labeling instructions section. Your prints may be a mix of digital and/or standard development.
EXHIBIT: One (1) color print no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended.
EXHIBIT: One (1) black & white no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended.
EXHIBIT: Any modified image may be exhibited as creative/experimental. One (1) black & white and/or color print, or a combination no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended. Must include original photograph (s) on the back of the board and attach a listing of steps and/or procedures used to create the end product.
EXHIBIT: One (1) black & white or color print no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended.
LEVEL 3 - GRADES 9, 10, 11, 12
You may choose from the class list below:
CLASS DESCRIPTION LEVEL 3 -GRADES 9, 10, 11, 12 AND ABOVE -Four entries total from a county in this level.
EXHIBIT: 10 black & white pictures, none of which is larger than 8" by 10" nor smaller than 2" by 3 1/2", mounted on a background board 22" x 28", displayed horizontally, with stiff backing and covered with plastic. The poster must carry a title; use your own creativity. See mounting and labeling instructions section. Your prints may be a mix of digital, digitally enhanced and/or standard development.
EXHIBIT: 10 color pictures, none of which is larger than 8" by 10" nor smaller than 2" by 3 1/2", mounted on a background board 22" x 28", displayed horizontally with stiff backing and covered with plastic. The poster must carry a title; use your own creativity. See mounting and labeling instructions section. Your prints may be a mix of digital, digitally enhanced and/or standard development.
EXHIBIT: One (1) color print no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended.
EXHIBIT: One (1) black & white no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended.
EXHIBIT: Any modified image may be exhibited as creative/experimental. One (1) black & white and/or color print, or a combination no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended. Must include original photograph (s) on the back of the board and attach a listing of steps and/or procedures used to create the end product.
EXHIBIT: One (1) black & white or color print no smaller than 7" x 9" nor larger than 11" x 14", printed horizontally or vertically, mounted on a standard 16" x 20" salon mount, displayed VERTICALLY and covered with plastic. No title recommended.