Create an exhibit that shows the public what you learned in the beekeeping project this year. Posters are to be displayed horizontally, sized 22" x 28", mounted on a firm backing (foam-core board or other), and covered in clear plastic or other transparent material. Choose one of the topics listed below, appropriate for your grade in school, and use that topic for your exhibit title, so the judges know which activity you completed. You can also use a creative sub-title if you wish.
Division 1: (may do 1 to 2 years) , One State Fair entry per county
Present one of the following topics on a poster, as specified above.
Division 2: (may do 1 to 2 years) There is no limit on the number of exhibits a county may enter in Division 2, but only one exhibit per 4-H member is allowed at the State Fair.
Exhibit one of the following:
Division 3 and Above: (may do multiple years) There is no limit to the number of exhibits a county may enter in Division 3 and above, but only one exhibit per member is allowed at the State Fair.
Exhibit two of the four kinds of honey listed below (#1-4) or prepare an educational display about honey bees or beekeeping (#5).
Independent Study: Grades 9 - 12, one State Fair entry
Advanced topic - Learn all you can about a beekeeping topic and present it on a poster. Include a short manuscript, pictures, graphs, and list the works cited to describe what you did and what you learned. Title your poster, "Advanced Beekeeping - Independent Study."
Mentoring - Exhibit a poster that shows how you mentored a younger 4-H member. Include your planning, the time you spent, the challenges and advantages of mentoring, and how the experience might be useful in your life. Photographs and other documentation are encouraged. Title your poster, "Advanced Beekeeping - Mentor."