The ARBA 2016-2020 Standard of Perfection Books are available at the Extension Office for $20.00
Rabbits that are considered pets should be entered in the Pets project.
Superintendent: Rose Cook
4-H Club Leader: Jennifer Heine
Rabbit Resource Handbook, Ohio State University Extension These are provided one copy per FAMILY. If you do not have a copy, there are also copies available at the Hartford City and Montpelier libraries.
Completion Requirements
Complete the record sheet(different sheet for each grade)and turn it in to your 4-H Club Leader or the Extension Office by the required date.
Exhibit Options: (May choose one or more)
- Show your animal(s) at the Blackford County 4-H Fair.
- Exhibit a notebook about your animal.
- Exhibit a poster on a topic from your manual.
- Action Display/Demonstration.
There will be one champion and one reserve champion poster overall per species. Level 1 is grades 3-5, Level 2 is grades 6-8,and Level 3 is grades 9-12. The overall grand champion will be selected from all of the livestock/animal posters.
Poster Exhibit
There is also the option of exhibiting a poster about your rabbits or the rabbit project for the 4-H Fair. This can be done along with exhibiting at the 4-H Rabbit show or in addition to showing your animal. You must complete your record sheet and turn it into the Extension Office by the date announced to exhibit a poster.
Completion Requirements
Complete the record sheet(different sheet for each grade)and turn it in to your 4-H Club Leader or the Extension Office by the required date.
Exhibit Options: (May choose one or more)
- Show your animal(s) at the Blackford County 4-H Fair.
- Exhibit a notebook about your animal.
- Exhibit a poster on a topic from your manual.
- Action Display/Demonstration.
4-H Rabbit Show Rules
- Each member shall keep a complete, accurate, and up-to-date record. Records shall be checked at least once during the year prior to fair time.
- All 4-H rabbits must be pedigreed or purebred.
- All animals must be in possession by May 15.
- 4-H’er must own the mother of the meat pen. The meat pen class is a breeding class. You cannot purchase your meat pen rabbits.
- All breeding stock must be tattooed by the date designated by 4-H rabbit committee. This includes senior and 6-8 stock and junior stock. Juniors born after last tattoo date will be tattooed with meat pens. Pens of 3 will be tattooed at a later date.
- A maximum of 16 entries per each exhibitor with a maximum of two entries in each class.
- 12 Breed Classes – 4 Meat– 1 Entry Per Class
- Single fryer rabbits maybe taken and shown from the 4-H’ers rabbit meat pen.
- Single fryers– 1 entry – all breeds iv.
- Roaster– 1 entry – all breeds.
- Baker– 1 entry – all breeds
Animals shown in the fryer, roaster and baker classes cannot be shown as Breed animals.
- Pens of 3 (Meat Classes)
- Pens of 3 will be one cage.
- May show two pens of 3 but can sell only 1 pen.
- Pens of 3 cannot show as individuals in other breed classes.
- Only meat pens will be eligible for auction.
- Weights and ages of pens of 3. Any Breed:Must weigh between 3 1/2 -5 1/2 pounds (rabbits CANNOT weigh less than 3 1/2 pounds and CANNOT weigh more than 5 1/2 pounds) and not more than 69 days of age on show date at County Fair. Any 4-H member exhibiting a Meat Pen must own the Mother doe and have raised them on site.
- All Meat Pen swill be weighed on the day of entry.
- The judge will also weigh the rabbits the day of the rabbit show.
- If a Meat Pen is under weight or over weight the day of entry the child may choose to enter the rabbits into individual classes.
- If an animal is disqualified by the health check, the superintendent or a judge for health or any other reasons, that animal CANNOT be sold in the 4-H Livestock Auction.
6 Class (According to Breed)
Sr. Bucks Sr. Does
Jr. Bucks Jr. Does
6-8 Bucks 6-8 Does
4 Class (According to Breed)
(in each color)
Sr. Bucks Sr. Does
Jr. Bucks Jr. Does
- All classes and breeds will be judged by A.R.B.A. standard and rules. A, B, and C group ribbons will be awarded.
- All members will be required to show one exhibit besides a pen of 3.
- As there is not showmanship classes in rabbits, Display Awards will be given. Display points as follows:
- 1st–5 points times number in class
- 2nd–4 points times number in class
- 3rd– 3 points times number in class
- 4th–2 points times number in class
- 5th–1 point times number in class
- AWARD: Best Display Res. Display
N.Z. White Doe 1st–5X10=50
Display points. Pen of 3 and single fryer are not included in Display Points
- Special Awards
- Best of Breeds in Each Breed– Champion
- Best of Opposite in Each Breed– Reserve Champion
- Best 6 Class
- Best 4 Class
- Best of Show– Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion
- Pen of 3 – All Breeds– Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion
- Single Fryer– All Breeds– Grand champion, Reserve Grand Champion
- Roaster– All Breeds– Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion
- Baker– All Breeds– Grand Champion,Reserve Grand Champion
- Best Display – Grand Champion Display,Reserve Grand Champion Display
- Premiums– Group placing ribbons will be awarded.
- Each exhibitor will be required to furnish his own PROPER feed and water containers and care for his/her own rabbits. Pens shall be cleaned out daily. Pens will be checked daily. If rabbits are not cared for properly the superintendent has the authority to not allow the 4-H’er to show or sell their rabbits at the 4-H Auction.
- Each exhibitor will be responsible the day of the show to be present to carry his or her exhibits to Judging Table and return exhibits to pens.
- Members wishing to sell Pen of 3 in auction must report to Superintendent of Show within 15 minutes after judging is completed. Rabbits will be weighed at that time.
- There will be no change in 4-H rabbit ear tattoo numbers, class entries, or class changes following closing time on entry day.
- The Rabbit Committee (Rabbit Superintendent and 4-H Rabbit club leaders) has the right to inspect any rabbit on site as needed and has the authority to disqualify a rabbit or send it home for health reasons.
Rabbit Ambassador Contest
4-H’ers interested in participating in this contest should contact the 4‐H Rabbit Club Leader.
Livestock Enrollment
Animal Identification Rabbits must have a tattoo.
Premise ID
This is a federal law required for rabbits. If you do not have a Premise ID, you can apply online with the Indiana State Board of Animal Health at
Completing the Project
You must complete the project to be able to exhibit at the Blackford County 4-H Fair. To complete the project you must complete your record sheet and turn it into the Extension Office by the announced date. Record Sheets are for the grade you are in for the current school year.