Purdue Extension - Allen County offers soil testing services to analyze the nutrient levels of your soils. We also help you understand your results and find solutions. Soil testing fees are $20 per sample (cash or check). We are now offering contactless drop-off services at our office.
Here is some helpful information to make sure you get most accurate results for your money.
Keep samples from different areas separate. Areas treated different or with different characteristics will have different soil profiles. Examples of areas which should be treated different include
It is best to take samples in spring or fall before applying fertilizer. Give yourself enough time to get results back and determine which products to buy for your soil.
For an easy to directions watch THIS VIDEO from our friends in Illinois.
Reference the new Purdue Extension publication HO-71-W "Collecting Soil Samples For Testing" for more detailed procedures
Ensure you have 2 cups of soil
Sample every 2-3 years at the same time of year
Allow time for samples to be processed before fertilizer needs to be applied. This can take up to 2 weeks but is often much shorter.
Contact James Wolff (Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator) or Terri Theisen (Horticulture & Urban Agriculture Educator) for more information.