~ by Gina Anderson, Floyd County Community Development Educator
Let Us Learn, Inc. (LUL) was a brand-new 501(c)3 nonprofit at the beginning of 2017. We received our nonprofit status in December of 2016, and we were ready to get to work. I had never written a grant until then. When I saw the Purdue class on grant writing, I knew I had to take it. I was attempting to write a grant proposal to send to the Horseshoe Foundation of Southern Indiana. I had no idea what I was doing, and if I had, I probably would not have chosen such a significant grant to tackle as my first one. It was perfect timing for me to benefit from our Purdue Extension Beginners Guide to Grant Writing (BGGW). All the terminology was so new to me, but the workshop helped me understand the basics and organize my thoughts.
In June of 2017, the Horseshoe Foundation awarded LUL its first grant of $6,250.00. Since then, I’ve applied for nine grants and received funds from seven. The instructors continue to be supportive and help when they can. I know that class gave me the confidence I needed to be successful.
As a result of our efforts, Let Us Learn (LUL) has been able to put together 20 raised beds to give to youth who attend Title I schools in Indiana. These youth and their families plant the gardens and maintain them. LUL also hosts a “Cook with Me” class where the youth can learn what to do with the fresh veggies out of their garden.
If you have questions, contact either Gina Brown, Let Us Learn Executive Director or Gina Anderson, ANR/CD Extension Educator Floyd County via their private Facebook page.