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Leadership Vermillion County Graduates Inaugural Class



The sun was shining as The Beef House banquet room filled with sponsors, committee members and participants of Leadership Vermillion County. Twelve dedicated and motivated members of Vermillion County have been working hard since Sept. 9 to learn how to apply their skills and abilities to make Vermillion County a better place to live, work and play. March 16 was the day all their hard work was recognized by Purdue University and Vermillion County Economic Development Corporation (VC-EDC).

The evening began with a simple welcome and recognition of the program sponsors. The sponsors were thanked because without their contribution, Leadership Vermillion County could not have taken place. The Beef House provided a delicious meal and dessert, and then the time finally came in which Heather Strohm from Purdue University and Dylan Riggen and Tom Milligan from VC-EDC called up each participant and handed them their certificates of accomplishment.

The evening culminated with Jeremy Gorman sharing about their class project. Jeremy indicated that if you searched online for Vermillion County, Vermilion County, Illinois, always came up in the search engine. The class was greatly concerned about this. As a group, the class decided to establish a domain and landing page that would house all the civic groups, volunteer opportunities and community activities for the county. At this time, Meggan Cash, one of the recent graduates, will maintain the site until someone else is willing to take it over. For now, Vermillion County, Indiana, is officially on the Internet map!

As the evening wrapped up and concluded, two members of Leadership Vermillion County expressed interest in joining the planning committee for next year, and two others expressed interest in working on community projects, such as Main Street or Hometown Collaboration Initiative. The partnership between Purdue University and VC-EDC was a success, and both organizations look forward to many more ventures in the county and region.

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