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June Announcements

Update on Future of Extension task force

By: Bernie Engel, Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture

Purdue Extension Colleagues,

As we all embark on what I know will be a busy summer, I want to provide a brief update on the Future of Extension Task Force and what will occur after the report is received.

The task force will conduct its final meeting in early July. By the end of August, they plan to deliver a report to me that includes specific recommendations.

I plan on developing and sharing an executive summary of the report’s recommendations.

The College Leadership Team, which includes the associate deans, will spend time reviewing the full report and its recommendations and agree upon a Future of Extension plan that includes immediate priorities and a proposed timeline.

At this point, without having the report in hand, I cannot provide any more details on the timeline.

I am grateful to Dr. Abbott, who has agreed to remain in her current role during this process.

While I do not have more details to share, I can assure you that our commitment to the Extension mission remains the focal point of these efforts.


Professional Development Conference (PDC) – December 4-5

We are excited to announce the upcoming Professional Development Conference (PDC) website! Visit the new PDC website for all the essential details about PDC 2024, including full-day schedules, keynote speaker information, and accommodations as the event approaches.

Registration for the event and hotel accomodations will open on September 1.

Thank you for submitting your session proposals. Notices of acceptance will be emailed on Monday, July 1.


Join us on July 25th at 2 PM EST for an interactive webinar hosted by Lily Morrissey and Gina Price. This session will guide you through adding and managing events within Cascade, including:

  • Choosing the Right Form: Discover how to select the appropriate event form for your needs.
  • Hands-On Tutorial: Follow a step-by-step tutorial to practice adding events in real-time.

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your Cascade skills with expert guidance. Register now to secure your spot! Click the button below on July 25th to join. This webinar will not be recorded.

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