Casey Mull, an extension military specialist for 4-H youth development at the University of Georgia, has been selected as Purdue Extension’s new assistant director and program leader for 4-H youth development. Mull succeeds Renee McKee, who recently retired after serving in the position for 17 years. Mull also has been appointed to a clinical associate professor position in the agriculture science education and communication department.
Jason Henderson, director of Purdue Extension and senior associate dean of the Purdue College of Agriculture, expressed excitement for Mull to implement his expertise and passion for youth programs at Indiana 4-H.
“I am thrilled to have Dr. Casey Mull as our 4-H youth development program leader. His personal story of how 4-H shaped his life as a youth and now through his professional career is a testament to the impact of 4-H on people’s lives. He is a respected leader nationally in 4-H and I look forward to seeing how the freshness of his ideas can help expand our programs,” Henderson said.
Mull earned his bachelor’s degree in business from Wake Forest University, and his master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Georgia. Since 2009, he has been the extension military specialist for 4-H youth development at the University of Georgia. In this position, he coordinated and co-coordinated programs serving over 8,000 people in 53 states and territories and six countries, secured over $10 million in grants, gifts and donations, and trained or presented to over 3,000 individuals.
No stranger to Purdue, Mull has worked with Purdue Extension’s leadership for the past 10 years on the following programs: Military Teen Adventure Camps and Extension Military Partnerships.
“I’m most excited to work with the people of Indiana, especially since the 4-H program here is so well recognized regionally and nationally,” Mull said. “My 4-H experience started in the fifth grade, but what I didn’t know at the time was that it would become my career. I’m eager to partner with the incredible young people, educators and volunteers across the state to impact their lives and make their communities better, just like 4-H has done for me.”
Mull will continue to serve as deputy chief in public affairs for the 94th Airlift Wing in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, where he leads 12 full-time and part-time photojournalists and broadcasters to engage various audiences in media relations and community engagement. He is an active member of the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP) and served as president of NAE4-HYDP from 2017-18. Mull is also a third-generation auctioneer and enjoys working with local communities at benefit and charity auctions.