Wells County

The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based information and education. It's a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across America. The Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service program areas are:

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Health and Human Sciences
Community Development
4-H Youth Development

Purdue Extension is a service tailored to meet the needs of Indiana, needs we know firsthand. Our educators, specialists, and volunteers live and work in all 92 Indiana counties. We provide the link between Land Grant research and Indiana citizens. In doing that we provide practical solutions to local issues. We provide information and expertise that's available in the form you want, when you want it. That's Purdue Extension, Indiana's home team advantage.

What We Do

We improve lives and livelihoods by delivering tested and trusted educational resources. The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based information and education. It's a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across America. The Purdue Extension focuses on: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Human and Health Sciences, Economic and Community Development and 4-H Youth.

Contact Us

Purdue Wells County Extension
1240 4-H Park Road
Bluffton, IN 46714
(260) 824-6412

County offices

wells County Staff

Wells County Happenings

4-H Clover Logo
4-H Enrollment

Enrollment for the 2024-25 4-H Program year begins October 1st!

More Info
4-H Clover
4-H Spooktacular

Join Wells County 4-H for a night of family fun!

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4-H Association Calendar Fundraiser

Click the link to read more about the current 4-H Association fundraiser!

Matter of Balance Logo
A Matter of Balance

Join us for this award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.

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Purdue Logo
Senior Snippets

The Bluffton Parks Dept. will host Purdue Extension HHS Educator, Molly Hoag, as she presents 3...

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Holiday Meal
Holiday Happenings

The Wells County Extension Homemakers invite you to "Focus on the Stars" as we learn...

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Purdue Logo
Rooted and Resilient Homesteading Conference

Join Purdue Extension Educators from several counties as they explore homestead skills for families.

More Info

2024 Wells County 4-H Rule Book

Check out the 2024 Wells County 4-H Rule Book for updated information about your 4-H projects.

2024 Wells County 4-H Rule Book

ServSafe Classes Offered

For more information and a list of available trainings and exams in our area visit the Purdue ServSafe link below.

Learn More Here

Wells County Newsletters

Check out Health and Human Science Newsletters with helpful articles on health, nutrition, family and finances.

The September/October 2024 edition includes the following articles:


Helping Others

How Helping Others Helps You

If you lug your elderly neighbor's groceries up her steps, clearly it's good for her. But did you know that it's likely good for you too?

 Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health. They may even live longer.

 Consider Some Recent Research

  • Students who performed five acts of kindness a day increased their happiness
  • Providing emotional support to others significantly decreased the harmful health effects of certain kinds of stress among older people
  • People who donated money to charity got a boost in a feel-good part of the brain, as revealed in brain imaging research

Doing Good Can Make You Feel Good. It Might...

  • remind you that you're relatively lucky
  • make you feel connected to others
  • help you feel needed and effective
  • take your mind off your own worries for a while
  • make you feel generous
  • add a sense of purpose and meaning to your life

 Hints On Helping

Consider these tips for helping others—and yourself:

  • Don't feel like you have to make grand gestures or huge time commitments. Sure, helping can mean serving meals at a homeless shelter every week. But it also can mean:

° Calling a friend to see how she's doing

° Serving your spouse breakfast in bed

° Letting a car in front of you on the highway

° Smiling at a stranger in the street

° Holding the elevator door for your co-worker 

  • Vary your acts of generosity to prevent the experience from becoming ho-hum, advises happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, who also found that doing several kindnesses in one day gives the best boost.
  • Beware of taking on too much, or you'll risk feeling resentful. When asked a favor, think it over before saying yes.

Ways To Volunteer

If you want to volunteer for an organization, invest in finding the right match. If you like to

  • read... consider volunteering at a school or tutoring program
  • work outdoors... try volunteering to clean up a local park
  • speak another language.... perhaps work with immigrants
  • work at home... make fundraising calls
  • play sports... volunteer as a coach
  • promote health... try a local hospital or clinic

Whatever you choose, ask if the group will provide support for your efforts, like training or a contact to answer questions that arise.






ServSafe Classes Offered

Purdue Cooperative Extension Service will be offering a Retail Food Certification class for food handlers who need to obtain a Retail Food Certificate.

Cost for this training is:

  • Training, Exam, and Manual—$165
  • Training and Exam—$115
  • Exam With Manual—$115
  • Exam Only—$65

September 24, 2024
1-day Training/Exam
Adams County Fairgrounds
Conference Room
Monroe, IN
8:30 AM—4:00 PM
Exam at 4:00 PM
Register at: https://cvent.me/qaDrdl


Senior Snippets


Focus on the stars


matter of balance


homesteading conference




A PDF version of this newsletter is available HERE.

News Notes for Parents is a newsletter geared towards parents with children ages 8 and under. You will find articles about parenting, early childhood education, nutrition and much more.

In the September 2024 issue of News Notes for Parents, you will find the following articles:


School Food Options for Kids with Food Allergies

If your child has a food allergy, intolerance, or sensitivity, it's important to work closely with your school’s foodservice and nutrition staff, who often include registered dietitian nutritionists. According to Wesley Delbridge, RDN, from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a school food and nutrition director in Arizona, the best approach is a team effort involving the child, parents, and healthcare provider. Effective communication helps ensure everyone understands the specifics of each food allergy and helps create appealing and safe menu options.

Meeting with School Staff

Arrange a visit to meet the cafeteria manager and ensure the staff knows your child and is aware of problematic foods or ingredients. It's helpful to identify a go-to person your child can ask about food safety. After establishing contact with the foodservice department, get a copy of the monthly menu and review it with your child to identify acceptable options. Don’t hesitate to ask for ingredient lists and recipes for scratch-made items. Schools should provide accurate labels and ingredient information, which can be helpful for parents and students when choosing safe foods.

Peanut Allergies

Peanut allergies are becoming more common, with cases in children tripling in the U.S. between 1997 and 2008. While many schools avoid peanuts, not all do, so it's crucial to ask about potential sources of peanuts in school meals. Peanuts and peanut products can be hidden in sauces, dressings, and various dishes from global cuisines. Some schools offer a peanut butter substitute made from sunflower seeds, which can be a safer alternative.

Gluten-Free Options

For children with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it’s important to avoid gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Foods like bread, pasta, and breaded items often contain gluten, but cross-contamination from utensils and processed foods can also pose a risk. Delbridge advises that all labels be checked in advance and that separate kitchen tools be used for gluten-free foods. Many naturally gluten-free options are available, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lentils, eggs, and unflavored milk. You might also request gluten-free bread or use corn tortillas as alternatives.

Key Takeaways

It's vital to engage in proactive communication with both your child and the school staff to create a safe and inclusive eating environment. Focus on identifying what is safe for your child to eat and making them feel comfortable with their food choices.

Source: eatright.org, adapted using ChatGPT-4 Open AI




5 play tips for preschool age children
  1. Exercise imagination like a muscle—As with any skill, practice pays off. And having the right equipment helps. Make sure your kids have easy access to open-ended toys and everyday objects that they can play with in a variety of ways. Screensand devices can be distracting while playing with your children, so keep them out of reach.​​​
  2. Make space for creativity—Have an area where kids can be creative, feel comfortable experimenting, and even get messy. Provide a variety of different supplies. Crayons, markers, paints, paper, fabrics, glue, stickers, yarn, pipe cleaners and old catalogs or magazines for collages are all good. For extra fun, place some random art supplies and crafting materials in a box. Have kids close their eyes and pick out 3 to 5 items to assemble them into a work of art.​
  3. Praise the creative effort—Children learn their self-worth and self-esteem through interactions with parents and caregivers, among others. Be generous and positive in talking about your child's creative ideas. Focus on praising their efforts rather than how well the work lives up to a certain standard.​​
  4. Think exploration & observation—Activities like hide-and-seek or a scavenger hunt build observation and attention skills. Draw or take photos of places where you'll hide some treats, toys or other items to find: behind a chair, under a blanket, next to a tree. For older preschoolers, you may use sight words for clues. Try themed hunts, like a Halloween scavenger "haunt." Make it spooky by turning out the lights and using flashlights.​​
  5. Involve the senses—Fine-tuning gross motor skills involves the senses. Try activities that get kids using several senses at once. Examples: balancing on one foot while tossing and catching a soft ball to the beat of a song they sing! These kinds of activities can also help your child get the exercise they need to thrive. Preschool-age children need at least 3 hours of physical activity​ every day, or about 15 minutes every hour they are awake.​

Source: healthychildren.org




alfredo bagel bites

Alfredo sauce gets a makeover with cauliflower and Greek yogurt in this recipe that works as a snack or lunch.


  • 6 100% whole-wheat mini-bagels
  • 3 cups (3 ounces) fresh cauliflower florets
  • ¼ cup fat-free Greek yogurt
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1¾ cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese, divided


Before you begin: Wash your hands.

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Arrange bagel halves, insides facing up on sheet.
  3. Steam cauliflower for 3 minutes in large microwave safe bowl.
  4. Transfer steamed cauliflower to a blender. Add yogurt, salt, garlic and ¼ cup mozzarella. Puree until smooth.
  5. Spread cauliflower-yogurt Alfredo sauce evenly on bagels. Top with remaining cheese.
  6. Bake 15 minutes until tops are golden. Allow to cool for at least 5 minutes before serving.

Source: eatright.org


A PDF Version of News Notes to Parents is available HERE.
A Spanish version of News Notes to Parents is available HERE.

2024 September/October 4-H Newsletter:
  • 2025 Enrollment!
    • Enrollment for the 2024-2025 program year begins Tuesday, October 1st! This enrollment period applies to all 4-H participants including Mini 4-H (grades K-2), traditional 4-H members (grades 3-12), and all adult volunteers. Brief instructions are listed below, but a detailed version will be sent in the mail and is available online at www.extension.purdue.edu/wells
    • Enrollment Instructions:
      • Go to https://v2.4honline.com
      • Enter your email and password, then click “Sign In”. Do not create a new account. If you have forgotten your username/password please call the Extension Office.
      • Continue to Youth & Mini 4-H Member Enrollment
      • Select the member you wish to enroll and update grade level.
      • Continue on to “Select Club”, then “Select Projects”
      • Once complete, click “Select Questions” and fill out correctly.
      • Pay member dues. Enrollments will not be approved until payment is complete.
  • Save the Date:
    • 2025 Wells County 4-H Fair - Saturday, July 12th - Thursday July 17th
  • Calendar of Events:
    • September:
      • September 2: Labor Day - Extension Office Closed
      • September 8: Street Fair Pancake Booth Work Day
      • September 9: Association Meeting, 7:00PM, Meeting Rooms
      • September 10: Council Meeting (1st Rule Change Review), 7:00PM, Meeting Rooms
      • September 17-21: Bluffton Street Fair
      • September 22: Horse & Pony Banquet and Fun Show, 4:00PM, Grandstand Arena
      • September 25: Royal Showmanship Committee Meeting, 6:00PM, Meeting Rooms
    • October: 
      • October 1: Enrollment Opens for the 2025 Wells County 4-H Fair
      • October 1: Council Meeting (2nd Rule Change Review), 7:00PM, Meeting Rooms
      • October 7: Junior Leader Fall Kickoff Meeting, 6:00PM
      • October 14: Columbus Day - Extension Office Closed
      • October 14: Association Meeting, 7:00PM, Meeting Rooms
      • October 26: Wells County 4-H Association Spooktacular, 6:00-9:00PM, 4-H Park
    • November:
      • November 4: Junior Leader Meeting, 6:00PM, Meeting Rooms
      • November 11: Club Leader Meeting, 7:00PM, Meeting Rooms
      • November 18: Association Meeting, 7:00PM, Meeting Rooms Officer Elections
  • Upcoming Volunteer Meetings:
    • Council Meetings:
      • Tuesday, September 10th at 7:00PM in the Meeting Rooms. This will be the first discussion for rule changes.
      • Tuesday, October 1st at 7:00PM in the Meeting Room. This will be the second discussion for rule changes
    • Association Meetings:
      • Monday, September 9th at 7:00PM in the Meeting Rooms
      • Monday, October 14th at 7:00PM in the Meeting Rooms.
      • Monday, November 18th at 7:00PM in the Meeting Rooms. *Officer elections will take place during this meeting. More information to come.
    • Club Leader Meeting:
      • Monday, November 11th at 7:00PM in the Meeting Rooms.
    • Royal Showmanship Meeting:
      • Wednesday, September 25th at 6:00PM in the Meeting Rooms
  • Adult Volunteer Enrollment:
    • Adult volunteers must re-enroll in 4-H Online to be a volunteer for the 2024-2025 year, This means completing all of the volunteer training. It does have to be done each year. Any new volunteers will also need to complete the enrollment process.
    • To enroll, log in to your 4-H Online account. Returning members will choose “Adult Enrollment”, and new members should click “Adding New Members”. You will then follow the instructions until enrollment is complete, making sure to watch all the video trainings.
  • Junior Leader Fall Kickoff Meeting:
    • Monday, October 7th at 6:00PM, Wells County 4-H Park
    • The Fall Kickoff Meeting is for all current and new members! Any student in 7th grade or higher that is interested in joining the Junior Leader Club should plan to attend our Fall Kickoff Meeting!! It will be a fun way to kickstart the new year.
    • Next Meeting: Monday, November 4th at 6:00PM
  • 4-H Association Calendar Fundraiser:
    • The Wells County 4-H Association is currently raising funds to help with improvements around the 4-H Park to provide a better experience not only for 4-H families, but also the community. One of the main repairs that is needing to be made in the near future is replacing the entire HVAC system of the Community Center Building, which hosts several community and 4-H events. The 4-H Association is asking for your help by joining them in their current fundraiser - Sell the Calendar! Below are details on how it works.
      • Each day of the month is sold by collecting a donation for that days value. (Example: the 25th is a $25.00 donation; the 5th is a $5.00 donation, etc.)
      • Attempt to sell each day of the month by posting the Calendar (shown on page 4) to Facebook and sending to friends and family.
      • Collect donations from family and friends. Please turn in the total amount collected into the Wells County Extension Office by end of work day on Friday, October 18th. Checks can be made payable to the Wells County 4-H Association.
      • Digital copies of the calendar are available on www.extension.purdue.edu/wells. Please direct any questions to the 4-H Association President, Brandon Gephart. He can be reached at wellsco4hassociation@gmail.com 
  • IMPORTANT - Pick Up Projects:
    • The Extension Office is currently housing SEVERAL county and state fair projects that need to be reunited with their rightful owner. Although we have enjoyed their company, it is time for them to make their way back to their forever home. If you are missing a project from either the county or state fair, more than likely we have it! Please come pick it up ASAP from the office. Our office hours are Monday - Friday from 8:00AM-4:30PM. If you are unable to come during those hours please call 260-824-6412 to make other arrangements. Your projects miss you and want to come home!
  • Cash Your Checks!
    • This is a reminder to all 4-H Auction Participants that your checks from the auction should be cashed by November 30th or funds will be forfeited. If you have yet to pick up your check, please do so ASAP! Make sure to bring in your thank you cards addressed, stamped & sealed. Checks will not be handed out until thank you cards have been turned in.
  • Wells County 4-H Association Spooktacular:
    • October 26, 2024 from 6:00-9:00PM at the Wells County 4-H Park
    • Admission: $1.00 or 1 canned food item per person (Expired food will not be accepted)
      • Funds collected will be donated to Feeding Tomorrow’s Future Today Weekend Backpack Program
    • Activities: Carnival Games & Prizes, Log Cabin Tours, Hay Rides, Spooky Forest (opens at 7PM)
  • Spooktacular Volunteers:
    • The Wells County 4-H Association is hosting their Spooktacular festival again this year! Check out page 6 for date and details. They are looking for adult and youth volunteers to help with the carnival games, concessions, and the spooky forest. If you are interested in helping out please contact Brandon at 765-499-7042 or Janet at 260-273-1123.
  • Pancake Booth Work Day:
    • Sunday, September 8th at 6:00PM, Gravel Lot at the 4-H Park
    • The 4-H Association will be gathering on Sunday, September 8th at 6:00PM to get the Pancake Booth ready for Street Fair. After being stored away all winter, the booth could use some love. If you are available that evening, the 4-H Association would greatly appreciate your help! The more volunteers we get, the quicker the cleaning will go!
  • Pancake Booth Sign Up:
    • The 4-H Pancake Booth will once again be at the Bluffton Street Fair this year! The Booth is a great fundraiser for 4-H, as these funds help sponsor our ribbons at the Fair and various 4-H Trips that our youth get to attend.
    • Volunteers are needed for various shifts throughout the week. Each township is responsible for finding 12-16 people to work during their assigned shift. Volunteers will be cooking food, taking orders, and help deliver food to guests. It really does take several people to run the booth smoothly. Shift days are listed below. Sign up online at: https://bit.ly/PancakeBooth2024 
      • Tuesday, Sept. 17th 5PM to Close: Chester Township
      • Wednesday, Sept. 18th 7AM - 5PM: Community Volunteers
      • Wednesday, Sept. 18th 4:30PM to Close: Jefferson Township
      • Thursday, Sept. 19th 7AM - 5PM: Community Volunteers
      • Thursday, Sept. 19th 4:30PM to Close: Jackson Township & Shooting Sports
      • Friday, Sept. 20th 7AM - 5PM: Nottingham Township
      • Friday, Sept. 20th 4:30 to Close: Rockcreek Township
      • Saturday, Sept. 21st 7AM - 12PM: Lancaster Township
      • Saturday, Sept. 21st 11:30AM - 5PM: Harrison Township
      • Saturday, Sept. 21st 4:30PM to Close: Liberty Township

Upcoming Wells County and State Extension Events

State Extension Events

Purdue Extension Apple Crunch
Extension leads Indiana Great Apple Crunch to bring agriculture education, apple-themed activities to children, adults

October kicks off National Farm to School Month and National Apple Month. Purdue Extension, the...

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FNR Extension Specialist Lenny Farlee speaks to a crowd
Purdue FNR Extension specialist receives national recognition for work in forestry

Lenny Farlee, sustaining hardwood Extension specialist for Purdue’s Department of Forestry...

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high water on road in Indiana
New research grant will help families become more resilient in disaster aftermath

Faculty in the department of Human Development and Family Science, in partnership with the Health...

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bowl of broccoli
Bye-bye germs: How to sanitize (the right way) in the kitchen and beyond

“Sanitizing” is different from cleaning. That’s one of the many things people...

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A woman shakes a man’s hand at a career fair
Purdue Extension program will help businesses attract talent by improving human resources skills and managers

Purdue Extension will offer the “Becoming the Employer of Choice” series virtually...

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Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez walking through a cornfield in Indiana
Behind the Research: Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez, MSW, LCSW

Many people are involved in the remarkable range of programs, services and facilities that...

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