Pond Construction and Maintenance

There are a number of important factors to consider when planning to build a new pond or work on an existing pond. You need to decide how you will use the pond and if it will have multiple uses (e.g. livestock and fishing), the size and location of the pond, the drainage area (i.e. watershed) of the pond, and the type of soil that your pond will be constructed on. For a good introduction to pond construction, please refer to Purdue Extension Publication   ID-409-W.

For answers to common questions on pond construction, maintenance and management, please refer to Purdue Extension Publication   ID-410-W .



The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) also has a number of publications and documents that cover planning, pond design, construction and maintenance, and pond safety.

USDA Pond Planning site For a comprehensive overview of the pond construction process, see the NRCS Handbook titled: Ponds - Planning, Design, Construction
Statement of work More detailed information on pond construction can be found in the NRCS Conservation Practice Standard.
NRCS Pond checklist To ensure a pond that is safe and can provide enjoyment for many years, regular inspections should be conducted at least per year. An NRCS pond and dam checklist has been developed to help conduct these inspections.

For help with specific pond design and construction, please contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District.

For more technical expertise or advice regarding pond construction and maintenance, please contact your local NRCS field office .