It is recommended to have at least several days of food and water supplies in the event of an emergency. Many of us have refrigerators and freezers with plenty of food to make it through most any situation likely to happen here in Indiana. A few days snowed in (or perhaps a “stay at home” order) might not be an issue. However, much of our food storage is dependent on electrical power. What happens when the power is out for days, or even weeks? Extended power outages, flooding, or evacuations can result in losses of stored food, adding another expensive challenge during an already trying time.
In many cases, there are steps that can be taken to extend the life and ensure the safety of home-stored food, even during major disasters. INPREPared has developed a set of PREPnotes that provide tips for addressing the issue of stored food during emergency situations, as well as recommendations for preparing food if the power is out. Of course, as noted in the articles, some foods may not be salvageable. Never take chances with your family’s safety – if in doubt, throw it out!
The following articles can be downloaded, printed, and/or shared. These PREPnotes are also available under the Resources tab at
For additional information, please contact INPREPared, or your county Purdue Extension office.
Photo Credit: Carnivore Style