TO: County ANR Extension Educators
FROM: Bill Field, Extension Safety Specialist
DATE: February 7, 2020
RE: Grain Bin Safety Awareness Week, February 16-23, 2020
Many of you are aware that there have been several grain bin entrapments in the state over the past couple of months. It’s not a good way to start off the year.
In my judgement, these events are largely attributed to out-of-condition grain that was the result of a lot of wet corn and beans being put into storage. Factors that contributed to this situation included late planting, immature crops, and shortages of LP gas. Any level about 14-15% can be problematic and producers need to stay on top of it or the problem will get worse. There is a direct correlation between out-of-condition grain and the increased likelihood of entrapment in on-farm storage. We may be seeing more of these incidents during the coming months.
To raise awareness of this problem, the Governor has proclaimed February 16-23, 2020 as Grain Bin Safety Awareness Week. Click here to download a .pdf copy of the Governor’s proclamation. If there is any way you can help promote this effort it would be appreciated. Thank you!