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Take Speed Tests with Your Home Internet

Soon, money will be available to Indiana to address rural areas that have poor internet connectivity. To determine where those areas of need are located, rural residents are asked to take the speed test from home.

The Indiana Broadband Office is launching a final speed test blitz from February through March, urging residents to contribute crucial data for improved broadband access. Despite speed test fatigue, the initiative emphasizes the significance of more data points to address the digital divide effectively.

Having practiced multiple speed tests since October, residents are asked to participate in this last blitz to identify areas in need before the $870 million funding arrives later this year.

To ensure eligible addresses for broadband improvement, the Indiana Broadband Office is introducing a challenge process in addition to submissions made through the broadband map website. Residents are encouraged to complete a minimum of three speed tests per address per day during the blitz, with tests no older than 60 days at the time of submission in March.

Conveniently, speed tests can be taken at For additional information, residents can refer to the Purdue Broadband Team website,

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