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Purdue Specialist Announces 2023 Crop Management Workshops

In the pre-COVID years, crop producers throughout Indiana may remember Purdue’s Crop Management Workshops held at various locations throughout the state during a cold week in late January. John Obermeyer, Purdue Integrated Pest Management specialist, announced that in 2023, they’re “On the Road Again!”

“This coming January, the Crop Management Workshops will offer three in-person meetings, with one also being a Livestream* (virtual) option,” said Obermeyer. “Too, we are returning to all-day meetings to maximize your educational opportunity and certification credits!”

Dates, times (Eastern time), and locations:

  • Tuesday, January 24, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, in-person only, at Madison County Community Center, Alexandria, IN
  • Wednesday, January 25, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, in-person only, at Westgate Conference Center (Crane Navel Weapon Support Center), Odon, IN
  • Thursday, January 26: in-person (8:30 am to 4:00 pm), and Livestream* (8:45 am to 4:00 pm), at Beck Ag Center, West Lafayette, IN

Schedule and Topics: 

  • 8:30 In-Person Check-in
  • 8:45 Virtual Log-in
  • 9:00 Meeting Begins
  • (State Chemist Highlights, Corn Responses to Sulfur, Effective Disease Management, Weed and Herbicide Updates, Insect Corn Traits, Input-Intensive Corn Management, Soybean Canopy and Nutrition, Safely Crossing Railroad Crossings)
  • 4:00 In-Person and Virtual Meeting Concludes

“Purdue Extension Field Crop Specialists of pests and agronomics, Purdue Pesticide Programs, and the Office of Indiana State Chemist Office will be sharing,” he said.

To register, visit

Indiana commercial pesticide applicator Continuing Certification Hours (CCHs) for in-person and virtual will be as follows: Cat 1 = 6, Cat 11 = 2, Cat 14 = 2, and RT = 4.

5.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Crop Advisors for in-person and virtual will be for categories: PM 2.5, CM 2.0, NM 1.0.

Private Applicator Recertification Program (PARP) credit will be available for in-person attendance only.

Obermeyer concluded, “It will be great to meet with you again!”

*Livestream (i.e., Virtual) meeting may be watched individually, or together in groups. However, if credits (CCHs and/or CEUs) are desired, then each person must register with an individual (unique) email address, attend the entire meeting, and complete an online survey after the meeting. Understand, this is a whole-day commitment, your attendance and attention are expected.

Additional questions may be directed to Purdue Conferences, 866-515-0023,

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