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Private Applicators: Pesticides, Fertilizers

ApplicatorPrivate applicators are individuals who spray restricted use pesticides or apply manure from a confined feeding operation (CFO) to their own land. Individuals in related capacities may also need a private applicator license (see websites below for details). Individuals may possess a private pesticide applicator license, a private Category 14 (fertilizer applicator) license, or a license with both endorsements.

Commercial applicators spray pesticides for hire (as a business). Registered technicians spray pesticides under the direct supervision of a commercial applicator at a business.

The license is active for a period of five years. Private applicators must attend three private applicator recertification programs (PARPs) within that five year period to keep their license active and avoid the need to re-test. No more than two programs may be attended for credit in any one calendar year. One program may be taken online.

I want to: 

  • Get a new private applicator license (Apply only to my own crops)
  • >Get a new commercial applicator license (Apply for hire)
    • Core and Category Training @ Purdue - 2021 Purdue Pesticide Programs pdf brochure
      • Private pesticide applicators pass "Core" exam for licensing
      • Commercial registered technicians pass "Core" exam for licensing
      • Commercial applicators pass Core exam plus the category exam in which their business will be operating

Check out links below for further information.

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