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Industrial Hemp 101 Webinar Recording and Materials

Hemp plantMuch interest and momentum have been building regarding growing industrial hemp. While 2020 is a year devoted to research growers, what do you need to know if you want to get started growing hemp in 2021?

Purdue Extension in Whitley County hosted an Industrial Hemp 101 program on April 8, 2020, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., via WebEx (online webinar format).

The recorded program (link below) focused on many of the topics potential growers need to know as they begin considering whether to grow this crop. Topics covered were: general production models; managing pests, diseases, and weeds; hemp grown for research production vs. commercial production; the difference between industrial hemp and marijuana (from the Indiana State Seed Administrator’s perspective!); what do I need to do if I want to grow industrial hemp in 2021; and production issues and challenges.

Marguerite Bolt, Purdue hemp production specialist, and Don Robison, Seed Administrator, Office of the Indiana State Chemist and Seed Commissioner, were presenters.

Access the recording here.

(If the recording fails to play properly, go to the right of the video window, click on the three vertical dots, click "download," then play from the downloaded version.)

Unfortunately, the recording failed to capture the slides from presenters, so you will have to view them from the attached files (see below) as you listen to audio from the recording.

Please take the 6 question evaluation when done

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