Crops Field Day Returning to ACRE
The annual Crops Field Day at ACRE (Agronomy Center for Research and Education located at 4530 US-52, West Lafayette, IN 47906) will be back in person this year, providing farmers and agribusinesses an opportunity prior to harvest to hear from various Purdue specialists on timely agronomic updates as well as obtain PARP, CCH and CEU credit. The event is free and open to the public; those wanting to attend must register online at
Registration for Crops Field Day is scheduled for September 2nd and to begin at 8:00 a.m. (EST) with the program concluding at 11:30 a.m. Dr. Nathanael Thompson from the Purdue Ag Econ Dept. will open the program at 8:30 a.m. by discussing “Carbon Markets for U.S. Row-Crop Producers: Opportunities and Challenges”as well as giving his thoughts on the fall crop outlook. This will be followed by field rotations that will include: “Corn Management Update” with new Purdue Extension Corn Specialist Dr. Dan Quinn; “MiniBulk Pesticide Storage” with Purdue Extension Educators; and “Live Drone Demonstrations” with Purdue Digital Ag Coordinator John Scott.
Purdue University is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. Anyone requesting special accommodations should do so by calling 765-884-0140 at least two weeks prior to the event. Please note that due to COVID restrictions, lunch will not be provided this year; however a selection of breakfast items will be available upon arrival. For more information, please contact Jon Charlesworth at 765-884-0140,
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Library Offers Plant Diagnostics
The Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Library (PPDL) works to diagnose plant diseases and identify insects, plants and weeds and other plant and pest problems. If you have a plant issue that you are having trouble diagnosing, a sample or picture sent to the PPDL may help! The fee to submit a sample is $11, but with that you will get a diagnosis of the issue as well as control or treatment recommendations. For more information on the PPDL, including instructions on how to submit a sample, please visit the website: or contact the White County Extension office at 219-984-5115. The website will also direct you to various hot topics that are coming into the lab and other resources that may help you on your farm, garden or home.