Applications are due Friday, June 21, 2024 by 4:30PM.
Interviews will be held on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 6:30PM at the Wells County 4-H Park Community Center. More details will be available after application deadline.
Applications are available HERE.
Contest Rules:
- Applications must be turned into the Wells County Extension Office by the specified due date - typically 14-20 days prior to the 4-H Fair.
- Applicants must be enrolled in the Wells County 4-H Program.
- Applicants applying for the Junior Ambassador contest must have been in Grades 7-9 as of January 1 of the current year.
- Applicants applying for the Senior Ambassador contest must have been in Grades 10+ as of January 1 of the current year.
- There is no limit to the number of applicants.
- Youth will only be allowed to apply for each contest up to three different years. (3 years for Junior Ambassador, 3 years for Ambassador).
- Participants do not have to be members of the Junior Leader Club.
- You may only win each award one time.
- Applications must be summitted on the form provided by the Wells County Extension Office - additional pages will not be considered.
- Applicants should forward the attached reference forms to the appropriate people. References should not be filled out by family members.
- To speed this process alone, you may want to send a self-addressed, stamped envelope and have the form mailed directly back to the Wells County Extension Office: 1240 4-H Park Road, Bluffton, IN 46714; postmarked by the advertised due date.
- The Ambassadors and Junior Ambassadors will assist at 4-H events at the Wells County 4-H Fair, and may be asked to represent 4-H at other events during the year.
- The Ambassadors and Junior Ambassadors will be selected prior to the 4-H Fair by a committee of three judges on the basis of:
- 4-H Achievement - 50%
- Personal Interview - 30%
- Outside Activity - 20%
- Interviews of the candidates will be approximately 7-10 minutes long. Applicants will be expected to share how 4-H has helped them with a life skill at the beginning of their interview.
- A list of potential life-skills to consider is located on the back side of the document attached.
- Two Junior Ambassadors and two Ambassadors will be selected. Each will receive a cash scholarship of $100 from the Wells County 4-H Association and a $50 cash award from the Wells County Farm Bureau, Inc.