Saturday, July 13, 2024
8:00 PM, Grandstand
Teams of 4-H members may participate in a fun obstacle course and earn the honor of being the top team and win prizes.
- We are asking each team member to bring a canned food item (soup, fruit, vegetable or box of cereal) and turn it in at the check in table near the arena/grandstand. If you cannot bring food, bring $1 to donate.
- Teams must be formed from Wells County 4-H Members only.
- Four (4) members per team.
- If you don’t have a team but want to participate, please sign a form and we will try and form a team for you to be on. We cannot guarantee we will be able to form a team.
- Teams will run an obstacle course. They will get wet and dirty and may have to eat some candy or vegetables along the way.
- Pick a creative name for your team and make shirts, or outfits to wear. Teams should be very creative in their dress (make matching shirts, put things in their hair, just dress silly). Do not wear anything you can’t get really dirty in.
- Prizes will be awarded to the top team and everyone participating will get a prize.
- Please try to turn in entry form by Saturday, July 13th at noon at the Extension Office in order for the committee to make plans, however late entries will be accepted at the check in table near the arena/grandstand.
- Additional forms can be found at www.extension.purdue.edu/wells or at the County Extension Office, 4-H Park, Bluffton.