Wells County 4-H Ambassadors/Jr. Ambassadors
1. Applications must be turned into the Wells Co. Extension Office by Friday, June 23, 2023.
2. Applicants must be enrolled in the Wells Co. 4-H program.
3. Applicants, applying for the Jr. Ambassador contest must be in grades 7, 8, or 9 as of January 1st, of the current year.
4. Applicants must be in grade 10 or above as of January 1, of current year for the Ambassador Contest.
5. No limit to the number of applicants.
6. Youth may only apply three (3) different years for the Jr. Ambassador and three (3) years for Ambassador.
7. Participants do not have to be a member of Junior Leaders
8. You may only win the award one time.
9. Application must be submitted on the form provided by the Wells Co. Extension Office- do not add pages.
10. Applicant should forward the leader and adult recommendation forms (attached) to the appropriate people. To speed the process along, you may want to send a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Have the form mailed directly to the Wells County Extension Office, 1240 4-H Park Road, Bluffton IN 46714 by the due date.
11. The 4-H Ambassadors/Jr. Ambassadors will assist the 4-H Association during 4-H events and at the Wells Co. 4-H Fair. They may also be asked to represent 4-H at other events during the year.
12. The 4-H Ambassadors/ Jr. Ambassadors will be selected prior to the 4-H Fair by a committee of three judges on the basis of their:
A. 4-H Achievement (50%)
B. Personal Interviews (30%)
C. Outside Activities (20%)
13. Interviews of the candidates will be approximately 7-10 minutes in length. At the beginning of the interview, you will be expected to share “How 4-H has helped you with one of your life skills.”
14. Here is a partial list of life skills you might consider:
- Accepting Differences - Character - Citizenship
- Communication - Community Service Volunteering
- Concern for Others - Conflict Resolution
- Contributions to Group Effort - Cooperation - Coping
- Creative Thinking - Critical Thinking - Decision Making
- Disease Prevention - Empathy - Goal Setting
- Healthy Lifestyle Choices - Honesty - Interpretation
- Keeping Records - Leadership - Learning to Learn
- Listening - Managing Feelings - Managing Resources
- Managing Stress - Marketable Skills - Mastering Technology
- Mathematics - Motivating Self - Negotiating
- Nurturing Relationships - Organizational - Personal Safety
- Planning - Planning & Organizing - Problem Solving
- Reasoning - Record Keeping - Resiliency
- Responsibility - Responsible Citizenship - Self-Discipline
- Self-Esteem - Self-Motivation - Self-Responsibility
- Service Learning - Sharing - Social Skills
- Speaking - Stress Management - Teaching
- Teamwork - Technology - Thinking Critically
- Time Management - Wise Use of Resources - Writing
15. Two Jr. Ambassadors and two Ambassadors will be selected. Each will receive a cash scholarship of $100 from the Wells County 4-H Association and a $50 cash award from the Wells County Farm Bureau, Inc.