In addition to being rewarded for peer competition during fair time, by focusing the overall achievement process on the following three parts of the recognition model, 4-H members are encouraged to broaden their total 4-H experience.
Participation: The achievement process emphasizes the importance of acknowledging young people who participate in 4-H educational experience. Some experiential examples include Camp Counselor, Purdue Round-up, 4-H Academy, Youth Congress, etc.
Cooperation: Learning and working together promotes high achievement. Cooperation may take advantage of all the skills represented in the group, as well as the process by which the group approaches the learning task/goal. Achievement in the area of cooperation may include serving as an officer, committee member, service learning participation, etc.
Progress Toward Goals: Progress toward goals, no matter how small, is an important part of recognition & achievement. Youth are encouraged to find projects or educational areas of interest that they can stick with on a long-term basis. The achievement process recognizes those who stick with projects over a period of time. Members will monitor goals through completion of an Achievement Award Application.
4-H Achievement Award Criteria
Overall Achievement Criteria